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I was lying on my bed with my boyfriend laughing and enjoying the moment.
We were skimming through some books finding a perfect place for our date.
  "Yeol-ah, should we go to an amusement park?" I asked while looking at him, waiting for him to respond.
  "No, we should go somewhere a little quiet" he responded then looked at me, Probably hoping I would agree.
I pouted, but his eyes were cuter than ever, I just had to give up.
"Alright, lets go to the park then"
He pat my head softly and gave a quick kiss on the cheeks.


"Jung-ah~, you got a ton loads of gift. Hey, give me some alright??" And there she goes again, my best friend, Nana.
I get these every single day, a box of chocolate, balloons, candy, accessories a bunch of random stuff. Of course I do appreciate them a lot.

"Excuse me, can we take a picture with you?" I heard a sweet voice from behind me. And gladly I accepted their request.
I stood in the middle of the two girls and smiled as brightly as I could.
"Wahhh, you're so popular" said Nana. She was half congratulating and half teasing me.

Its the day, the date. I wore a floral patterned dress about knee length and a black pair of boots to complete the look.
Although Ive done this many times, I still feel the butterflies in my stomach. The tingly feeling around my chest.

The park was near to where I live so I just had to walk there.

The smell of fresh grass and flowers enlightened me. It totally felt refreshing.

"Oh" I was surprised by the sudden back hug. He locked his arms around my body making it hard to move. But I felt safe, comfortable and warm.

He held my shoulders pushing one and pulling the other slightly so I would turn to face him.

"Look what I got" he raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Sung yeol took two ice creams from the plastic bag that was hung onto his right hand and handed one to me.

"Red bean?" I questioned.
"I thought that you would like it, its my new favorite, why dont you try some? By the way, you look so cute today"

I shyly looked away.

"Falling in love with me once again?" He said and giggled.

He opened the ice cream wrap for me and held it towards my mouth. I took a bite

And thats when my fairytale started to collapse.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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