Scroll 15: Fourth Djinn and Lucien

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"You're apologizing now? Pathetic."

"I'm really sorry. I should have...I..." Sitri tried to apologize. However, Ipos was not an easy djinn to please. Just as Furcas said.

"SHUT UP!" Ipos shouted in anger. I stood there watching them. Sitri bowed her head in shame but faced her again with determination in her eyes.

"I should have stayed in contact with you. I shouldn't have left you. I know I am at fault but I was banished from my clan. I was left to die along with Furcas." My djinn explained but Ipos was too mad to even understand it so I stepped in.

"Ipos, listen with your cool head. Don't judge based on your emotions." My voice was cold but as I said, if I had to show it, I would. The djinn glared at me but heaved a sigh. I nodded at Sitri to explain it properly. Her tears trickled down her cheeks but I was glad that Ipos was listening to her intently now.

"Banished huh? But that's no excuse. You could still have contacted me."

"I couldn't. Once Furcas and I were banished, we were quickly sent to a dungeon." She said. Ipos looked down before apologizing for her behavior. It made me smile.

"I'm glad it's over. So Ipos, will you join me on my journey?" I asked. She saw my smirking face before nodding.

"How about you take this compass with you. It's important to me and that boy below you." That was when I remembered the mysterious man I fought. He was still out. I nodded and took the compass. Ipos had already packed all the treasures and was ready to teleport us back.

"You're an interesting Ki-Queen. I am the Spirit of Courage and Time, Ipos. I'm glad to be on board, Azami-sama."

"Yeah. You too, Ipos." We were transported outside and had the boy on my back. I threw my magic cloth upwards and towards the next town. Luckily, it was not that far so I was able to reach it within five hours of traveling. Unfortunately, my magoi was at its limit. I quickly ordered a room and passed out after putting the boy in the mattress. I was too exhausted that I fell asleep so suddenly. Huffing, I tried to pry my eyes open but I just couldn't.

"I'm going to sleep for awhile."

3rd POV

The mysterious man woke up not too long after Azami collapsed. He glanced at his surroundings before noticing the figure beside him taking in heavy breaths. Her face was flushed and she was turning around too much. That was when he touched her forehead only to feel that hotness on it.

"She's burning up."

'Please help her, Lucien.'

"Ipos-sama. Where are you?" He asked. Ipos told him everything and understood their situation. He was glad that this girl was able to mend the broken heart of her master.

"S-Setta... Yunan..." He heard her mumble. He nodded to himself before gathering cold water, dry cloth and medicine from the landlady. Once he was back, he put the wet cloth on her forehead and brewed the medicine. After that, he poured it on her mouth slowly.

"This should be enough." He put everything away and rested by her side. 'Maybe she'll be my master soon.' Azami was the same age as him after all but they were on a different level. He took off his cloak and headdress since it was suffocating him more. His dark green hair and purple eyes were now evident. An unusual trait for someone like him.

"She should be fine by tomorrow. Her fever has gone down as well." He rested his back on the wall and slept for awhile.

The next day, Azami woke up with heavy eyes. She felt something on her forehead and she noticed that it was wet cloth. She was surprised but soon, saw the same mysterious man resting his back on the wall. It made her smile so she stood up and covered him with a blanket.

"Thank you for taking care of me."

She changed her clothes and went downstairs to get some breakfast. It composed of freshly baked bread, warm milk and chocolate spread. Not a special breakfast but enough for them gain their strength. Maybe after the mysterious man wakes up, they will be able to check the town and buy more food.

"Mmm. Is it morning already?"

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" She asked. Lucien quickly stood up and bowed at her. She was surprised but just smiled at him.

"You don't need to bow to me. I am Azami by the way. It's nice to meet you!" She smiled at him. Lucien blushed before introducing himself. "I am Lucien. It is nice to meet you, Master." She laughed at him before giving him a hug.

"There is no need for such formality, Lucien. Just Azami is fine and thank you for taking care of me. I had a wild fever yesterday right? Your medicine worked!" He blushed madly before nodding at her.

"It's no problem."

"Oh yeah! How about we eat our breakfast now? I'm starving!" She led him towards the table and ate the bread. It was silent but it was a comforting one. He looked at her to which she smiled. 'I found a kind master. No, not a master. A friend.' He smiled to himself. After breakfast, they head to town to buy some food. Lucien was a bit hesitant but with some encouragement from Azami, he was able to move forward.

"Are you going to buy all of that, Azami-sama?"

"Hmm?" A stick of cooked meat was on her mouth to which he sweat dropped. He shook his head and followed her around. They entered a lot of stores and bought a lot. Azami also asked him to try on some clothes.

"Here~" In the end, she bought him a pair of gray pants, white top with golden lining and gave him a magic cloth from Ipos' dungeon. She also handed him a small version of her compass to which Ipos asked of her to give to him.

"Ipos wanted me to give this to you. I guess you'll be earning her household vessel." He nodded.

"Lucien? Are you alright with being part of my household?" She asked hesitantly. Azami was not sure as well but she didn't want to leave him behind or anywhere. He was special to Ipos after all. Just then, she felt him kneel down and look at her.

"You saved Ipos-sama and I from the dungeon. You were able to give me strength especially earlier. Thank you, Azami-sama. I am grateful to be part of your household."

"Lucien. Thank you!" She hugged him tightly and fell down. For the first time in his life, Lucien laughed. His compass glowed and the symbol of Solomon was shown.

"Welcome to my household then, Lucien."

"Yes, milady."


Magi: A Tale of a New BeginningOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz