"Really? Has your dad been training you that long?" Goten frowned at the announcer's question.

"No. I don't have a dad, but my mom's taught me everything I know. She's fighting in the adult division! She's an awesome fighter!" I felt my cheeks flush at the praise, and I gave him a thumbs up.

With that last somewhat awkward bit out of the way, it was time for the last match. I leaned forward with my auburn tail wrapping around the railing to help keep me steady. I narrowed my eyes as the two boys gave each other a polite bow before they slid into their stances.

Trunks looked vaguely familiar other than being Bulma's son. As I watched him study the younger boy, I realized that he was also Vegeta's son. They had the same narrowed eyed look, and I had to keep myself from laughing once I remembered that his son was named after underwear.

Trunks was the first to kick off the tiled arena, and he rushed at Goten in a burst of speed. Goten brought his arm up to block the punch, then followed up with a kick. This forced the other boy to leap back, and then the pair started to trade blows back and forth faster than the normal eye could see.

As they fought back and forth, they started to levitate in the air. The crowd that had been so loud just a few moments ago was now silent save for a few people cheering for Trunks. I looked away from the fight to see the astonished and flabbergasted expressions that had me laughing so hard I nearly fell off my perch.

The sound of a shockwave drew my eyes back to the boys who were now meeting each other blow for blow. Goten lashed out with a kick that caught Trunks in the side, making the boy fly back down to the ring.

"Alright, Goten! Keep it up!" I shouted at my son as he followed his opponent's path. "Don't give him time to recover!"

The black haired boy increased his speed a bit, but a look of shock came over his face as Trunks balled up his body to land on his feet then jump to rush back at Goten. He didn't have enough time to get out of the way before a fist crashed in his face. The force of the punch caused another shockwave to erupt from the arena.

"Looks like we're going to work on reaction time." I muttered as crossed my arms over my chest. "Still should have been able to dodge that..." I frowned as Goten landed on the tile and rolled a couple of times until he found his feet. Trunks landed a few feet from him in a stance and a smirk on his face.

"Man...that was a good punch," Goten said as he rubbed his cheek. "I didn't think there was anyone here that could give me a decent fight."

"Same here," the older boy chuckled back. "You're tougher than you look. I'm still going to beat you though."

The younger boy narrowed his eyes over those words before a smirk grew on his face. His straightened his stance with his hands hanging loosely at his sides. Trunks tensed and looked a little unnerved at the easygoing way Goten was standing.

"If you're so sure...," my son started to mutter as his hands clenched into fists. My eyes widened as yellow ki started to flicker between his fingers. "Then how about we skip the warm up?"

"Falling Star!" Goten thrusted his hands out side by side with his thumbs pressed together and the rest of his fingers curled like claws. The two spheres merged and launched out at his opponent.

Trunks' face went slack with shock before he took off to dodge the blast. The crowd behind the lavender haired kid started to panic, but Goten just moved his hands in the same direction Trunks took off in. The energy followed the path its creator guided it on with a disturbing amount of speed.

"What?!" Trunks shouted as he looked over his shoulder, and he increased his speed as he made a sharp turn to throw off the blast. Goten just giggled as he followed the others path once again.

This continued on for a few more minutes, but I noticed that Goten was straining to keep his technique up. Just when it looked like he would loose control of it all together, I caught a smirk on his face as he swiftly moved his hands once again.

The energy swirled out from behind Trunks who looked over his shoulder in confusion. His eyes glanced down at Goten only to widen when he saw that expression the younger boy had.

"Trunks! Look out!"

"Huh?!" Blue eyes looked back in front of him only for the boy to head headlong into Goten's attack. A large puff of smoke appeared after he ran into the energy, blocking out any chance of seeing Trunks.

The crowd was on their seats now as everyone waited for the smoke to clear. Once the air cleared, there was noting there. Whispers broke out all around me as people searched for the older boy.

"Huh? Where'd he go?" Goten asked as he floated up to where his attack had hit. "I know I didn't put too much power into that...." His eyes flickered back and forth trying to find the other. He then closed his eyes to try and concentrate on finding his opponent's ki, and as soon as his eyes opened in alarm.

Just as he started to turn around, Trunks appeared from above him to grasp the younger boy in a stranglehold, his arms crossed at his throat and pulled behind his head by the older boy. Both boys wiggled in the air as Trunks fought to get a good grip on Goten, and Goten fought to get loose.

"Ha! Give up!" The confidence in the lavender haired boy's voice had me frowning, but it didn't look good for my son. "I told you I'd win."

"No! I won't...give up!" Goten grimaced as his arms were pulled back more. He tried to kick back, but the older boy had kept out of his range.

"Goten! Come on!" I called out as the younger boy flailed a bit. I rose to stand on the railing with my hands in fists as I shouted. "You can get out of this! I've had you in worse holds than this! Show that pampered princeling what a real warrior does!"

I just barely heard the sound of a sickening pop over the roar of the crowd before my son let out a choked cry, and my heart twisted at the noise. I was torn over watching to see if Goten could get himself out of this or going down to the arena to tell the referee to go head and call the match.

Just then a blur of black came out from under Goten's gi shirt, and I watched in amazement as his little black tail quickly wrapped around Trunks' neck. The older boy didn't even have time to get in a gasp before my son pulled with the furry limb with all his strength.

Trunks let out a choked sound as he was forced to release Goten and flung into the air so the smaller boy could slam both feet in the middle of his back. The hit caused the lavender haired boy to hurtle through the air at breakneck speed only to crash to the ground outside the ring.

Goten lifted his right hand to cover his left shoulder as he floated back to the ground. The boy was panting, and he was a little wobbly once he got to his feet. After a few seconds of standing still, watching the shallow hole that Trunks made when he landed, he straightened himself and looked over at the judges.

"TRUNKS HAS LANDED OUTSIDE THE RING! GOTEN IS THE WINNER!" The announcement had everyone on their feet cheering as loud as they could. I could hear the astonished whispers from the spectators around me, but I only had eyes for my son.

"YEAH!!! THAT'S MY BOY!!!" I shouted as I jumped on the railing. My tail was waving in the air almost as fast as Goten's was. I had a big smile on my face as I cupped my hands around my mouth. "GREAT JOB, GOTEN! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!"

My son just laughed as he waved to the crowd, and I felt so proud of him. I moved through the throng of people to make my way backstage behind the arena. I wanted to be there when Goten walks off stage to congratulate him.

As I walked, I passed by an odd pair of humans. Both had a large M on their foreheads, and their ki felt unusual. I turned back to look at them, but I had lost sight of them among the rest of the spectators.

A Different Path to Happiness (GokuxOC)Where stories live. Discover now