Scene Three

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I picked up an empty cup between my fingers and put it in a trash bag. The party was over, and Kellie, Tiffany, and I were all helping to clean up a little bit before we settled down and went inside. I had invited them to sleep over to because it's our tradition, but also to talk about what they thought school was gonna be like in a week when it started.

I was glad the party was over, because I was still a little shaken up about what had happened with Adam. For the rest of the night, I avoided him, not sitting in the hot tub when he was there and trying to not look at him. It worked until the end when he and Brett were leaving, and they came up to Kellie, Tiff, and I. Adam said to me, opening his arms, "You're not gonna let me leave without a goodbye, right?"

By then Kellie and Tiff had seen him, and I felt obliged to hug him. It was fine expect he whispered in my ear, "I'll find a way to get you," which made me quickly pull away from him. However, no one else noticed his comment, and he and Brett hopped in Brett's Corvette, and sped away.

"Hey, thanks again guys for helping clean up," I said to Kellie and Tiffany. They were definitely out of their natural habitat.

"Oh, don't worry about it!" Tiff chirped. She tied the trash bag she was holding tight and went to go put it in the garage. Kellie and I followed her with more bags.

"Yeah, it's the least we can do for an awesome party," Kellie said to me.

We exited the garage and went into my house. I asked, "Do you guys think people had a lot of fun?"

"Yeah, they always do," Tiff replied.

"People love your house," Kellie added, "with the hot tub, volleyball net and stuff, I think everyone had a good time."

"That's good," I responded. I was trying to fight this internal feeling that something was wrong. I was definitely shaken up by Adam's comments, and I needed to get them off my chest. I looked up at Tiff and Kellie, who were both currently relaxing on my couch with their phones.

I opened my mouth to talk about Adam, but I was struggling to find the right words. Our freshman year, Tiffany had a crazy crush on Adam the minute she laid eyes on him. He was certainly the hottest guy in our grade, and nobody really know each other back then. She would always tell Kellie and I about him, and we would laugh along as she joked about going up and talking to him. Then everything changed the day Adam and I were assigned lab partners in biology class.

We started talking, and found out we actually had a lot in common. We were both the only child whose parents weren't around much. At first we only talking about science, but the topics changed to eventually, we were texting on a regular basis. As we grew closer, I found myself, against my wishes, falling for him.

In the beginning I brushed off my newfound friendship with Adam; however, Kellie had figured out that is was more than just a friendship. Kellie confronted me, and I spilled to her that Adam and I liked each other, and I begged her not to tell Tiffany. Soon Adam started sitting with us at lunch, and Tiff was elated. However, she soon found out that he only wanted to talk to me, and she got really depressed. It was heartbreaking for me to see my friend so sad, and when we talked she said she understood that she couldn't force Adam to like her.

Then I convinced Adam to bring one of his friends over to sit with the four of us, and that's how Brett became friends with us. With Brett as the new man-candy at the table, Tiffany soon forgot how sad she was, and she and Brett went on to date for a few months.

Since Adam has always been a touchy subject between all of us, I was hesitant to talk about any troubles I had with him. I started, "Hey you guys, do you think Adam..."

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