Chapter 2

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Alex Pov

Combine an annoying brother and your bestfriend and what do you get?

One dreadful and painful migraine

Our company had just closed off a very big deal and they were already bugging me to go to this club called Rave that had recently opened across town to celebrate. All I really wanted to do was get some well deserved rest, but no they paid no attention to me and was currently in the middle of getting ready uninvited in my HOUSE.

"Guys you can just go without me, I'll join you when I've completed some unfinished work." i said very calmly trying not to lose my patience.

"Your idea of work solely includes your bed." My brother, Ricardo said looking at me with his arms crossed. I looked away avoiding all possible eye contact because there was no way i was getting out of this of one.

"And also dreaming of different ways to get rid of us, replacing us with female versions better than us." My best friend, Marcus said looking at me pretending to wipe tears away.

Great just great, i have to cope with these two asses for the rest of my life.

Ricardo and I have always been inseparable since childhood, we've never really had arguments to the point we'd end up hating each other. Even if we did have those kind of arguments, one of us would end up feeling bad and apologizing, be it the person who caused it or the other on the receiving end because that's just the kind of relationship we have. I'd always be my brother's keeper and I know it's vice versa as well.

I officially met Marcus through my father when he was handing over my very first company to me and had introduced him as my assistant. He and I had a rough start to where we are now because he thought of me as nothing more than a privileged child who can have anything he wants. But that was far from the truth, I have always worked for what I wanted because I didn't want anyone say because of them I am where I am and got what I wanted.

My family is well off yes but the feeling of working your ass off for your own accomplishments and money was rewarding, it was a feeling I've always wanted to bask in till I die. When he realized I was focused and straightforward on the goals I wanted, he acknowledged his misconception of me and wanted to work at being an assistant worth being proud of after that we became closer than ever. It sometimes, strangely enough feels like he's a brother of mine and I wouldn't have even mind if it was true because i wouldn't trade our bond for anything in the world.

But back to the matter at hand I gave in because there was no way i was going to  win this one. I got up lazily, took a shower got dressed, locked up and entered the car. The whole ride to the club was just terrible because these two idiots started singing like their life depended on it.

I feel like I'm parenting  two demonic children at times, i pulled into the parking lot of the club and headed inside, now one thing that you should know about my two buddies is that as soon as they step foot into any club, they automatically change into two different people. They put on what they describe as the" gentlemen act" to make a move on their preys of the night.

Chuckling i remember one time Marcus wanted to hook up with a very beautiful woman and he used the most cheesiest pick up line I've ever heard.

"Hey there gorgeous i seemed to have lost my number, can i have yours?" I'll always remember till this day, the sweet slap he collected across his face from the girl's boyfriend, he was practically in tears. I thought it was have humbled him a little bit but by the next week he just the same.

So here i was sitting in the VIP section all by myself because currently Marcus had some chick grinding on him and Ricardo was making out with another chick. I had promised myself to stop hooking up at clubs because of a certain woman that made my life a living hell and the word no just didn't seem to click or work for her at all, no matter the situation but thank god she moved away and i haven't heard from her since then. I didn't want to go through another experience like that again so very rarely did I ever go to clubs until today.

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