Chapter 6 - High Inquisitor & the King

Start from the beginning

"Don't you like them?" Alexia asked with a sulky look on her face.

"No, they're great, it's just, I've talked to you about this before..."

"Blaise," Daphne interrupted, "This isn't one of the old Alexia acts, she was doing it as a favour for the team! Don't tell me you'd rather go for Weasley and his lot?"

Alexia faked a look of innocence and nodded at Blaise.

He sighed, "No I wouldn't. I believe you," He said, then took the badge from Alexia and pinned it on his jacket.

"Good," She replied, kissing him, "I'm just going to give these extra badges to the team and wish them luck. Should I meet you guys in the stands?"

"Yeah, we'll save you a seat." Blaise said.

"Thanks. See you there."

Alexia made her way a little further down the table to where Draco sat beside Crabbe, Goyle, Graham and the rest of the team.

"Hey guys, just thought I'd come wish you luck and give you these." She said, taking out the pouch of badges.

Graham took the pouch from her and opened it, "I was wondering who made these. Thanks," he said, pinning one of the badges on his shirt then passing the pouch to Crabbe.

"Well I thought it was the least I could do considering you didn't ask me to help make the Gryffindor's lives hell this week." Alexia replied over-dramatically.

Graham shrugged appologetically, "We didn't think you would want too..." He admitted.

"Oh..." She mumbled quietly.

"Montague! We should go!" One of the Slytherin Chasers who was sitting beside Goyle called.

"Yeah, come on! Let's go!" Graham said, standing up.

"Good luck!" Alexia called after them.

She stood as the remaining of the Slytherin table broke into a loud cheer as the team exited the Great Hall. Alexia followed not far behind them, out into the Entrance Hall and right into...

"Draco!" She cried, walking straight into the boy.

"Al, slow down!" He responded with a laugh.

"Sorry," she muttered, "Can I walk with you guys? I'm still not used to walking alone so much these days."

"I know you're not, and sure. Come on," he said, putting his hand on her back and guiding her through the hall.

"This weather looks good." Alexia commented, looking up at the pearly white sky as they walked down the sloping lawn towards the stadium.

"Yeah. No wind at all, that's a change." Draco said, agreeing as the frosty grass crunched beneath his feet.

"You'll do great out there today Draco. Make sure you show Potter he's not as great as he thinks he is."

"Thanks Alexia, and don't worry, I will!" Draco grinned.

"Well I should probably let you go." Alexia said.

"Yeah, I'll speak to you later-"

"After you've won!"

Draco grinned, "Yes, after we've won. Oh, Al?"


"I miss the old you. You know, the one who does this kind of thing," he looked down at the badge in his hand, "Well things a bit more out there than this."

Alexia nodded.

"It's not just me who misses the old you either. I think you should speak to Blaise, he shouldn't be the one who decides who you are. If that's what you want, I mean."

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