Begin Investigation~

Start from the beginning

My grandfather drank the coffee and started suffocating. I guess he made a lot of noise and Luhan came back in.

I can read my grandfathers lips. He kept saying help me, but Luhan grabbed a knife from his pocket and stabbed my grandfather in the chest and threw a rock at the security camera and that was it. But before he wrecked the security camera, he also shot my grandfather in the head to make sure he was dead.

Aish. I didn't cry. I had anger though. A LOT of anger.

I then asked Ilhoon to put on the video when Luhan walked into the building from the camera outside.

It seems that he came from around the corner. Maybe he came from The Idols Number One company.

Either way, the 2 things were both bad. Luhan, and that company.

Maybe Mrs Thuy is his MUM. Or somehow related to him. But either way, Luhan will be my enemy. Even if I love him or not.

I finished watching the videos and went outside.


"Hmm? What's wrong, Aly?"

I looked to where the voice came from.

"You! Why did you kill my grandfather for?! What did he do to you?!"

"What are you talking about? I didn't kill your grandfather..."

"Here. Come here."

And I took him around the corner and pointed at the Idols Number One building.

"Do you know this company?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"You do?! Do you own it?!"

"No. My aunt does though. Why?"

"You... Killed... My... GRANDFATHER!"


A guy who looks JUST like Luhan, and maybe a bit older than us came running to Luhan. But... He came out of the Idols Number One building...

"Hey! Luke!"(Luhan)


"Yeah. He's my cousin. The weird thing is, he looks JUST like me, right?"(Luhan)

"He... Same... Idols Number One..."


"Luke. Do you know Idols Place?"

"N-no... I didn't kill anyone."(Luke)

"I didn't say anything yet..."

"Oh... R-right. Whoops... Ahehe..."(Luke)

"Luke. Wha--"(Luhan)

"I didn't kill the grandfather in that building!!"(Luke)


I started crying a bit. How dare he lie... But luckily I stopped... Kind of...

"Why are you crying...?"(Luke)

"The Grandfather in that building you didn't kill... Is.... My Grandfather."

"O-oh... Well..."(Luke)

"Wait... How do you know that my grandfather was killed... How do you even know he died?!"

"I... Um... Everyone knows!"(Luke)

"How can the word spread already? He only passed away 2 days ago..."

"I... Um... He... Um..."(Luke)

"Don't accuse my cousin for killing your grandfather! He didn't do anything!"(Luhan)

"Yeah! I didn't do anything!"(Luke)

"I didn't accuse him yet though... What are you guys hiding?"

"I... Um..."(Luke)

"Psh. Nothing."(Luhan)

"How come Luke is stammering then?"

"I'm... I'm not s-s-stammering..."(Luke)

"Yeah! He isn't stammering!"(Luhan)

"Luhan. I can forgive you. Unless... You really did it?"

"Of course I didn't! Aly... I still love you... You know that right?"(Luhan)

"I... Um... Well... I won't forgive you. Until... Your cousin tells the truth."

"The truth about what?!"(Luhan)

"About my grandfather's death."

"How would he know?"(Luhan)

"He was the one who killed my grandfather."

"N-no! I... I didn't kill... Him..."(Luke)

"I have proof. I just want to know WHY you killed him."

"I... I didn't kill him."(Luke)

"Please. Don't make me get the police involved. Seriously."

"No! Don't get the police involved!"(Luke)

"Don't make me get the police involved then. Tell me the truth now."

"I... I um..."(Luke)

"Aly! I got the proof on my phone!"(Viv)

"Great. Come bring it!"

LAVEV walked towards me looking clueless.

"Whats happening here...? Two Luhans? Great."(Loui)

"Loui. I'll explain everything later. I just need to prove to Luke he killed my grandfather."

"Oh so that was him? Psh. He looks exactly like the one in the video."(Loui)

"They both do..."

Sneak peek about what happens next:

Aly shows Luke and Luhan the video. But Luhan takes the blame instead of his cousin and goes into jail. Or does he? But a year passes though. A year passes for some reason and LAVEV go back to Korea for Uni. Then debuts. Finally debuts. With some other people. Unexpected people.


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