3 - Batman Boxers

Start from the beginning


We arrived at the airport and I was thankful to have Brent buy us first class seats. We had so many food choices, free wifi and complimentary blankets.

I dozed off for about two hours, I awoke to Brent's snores. I had the window seat and he was on my left, my dad was a few rows ahead of us---probably watching his tv show on the mini tv.

I was irritated that he woke me up, but I too tired to be pissed off so I shut my eyes and attempted to sleep again. I was awoken by his snoring again.

Brent's mouth was open and his head was dropped back, facing the ceiling of the plane. I didn't bother trying to sleep a third time. He looked uncomfortable, I sighed. ''Brentttt," I sang, poking him in the ribs. He switched positions and rolled on his side, facing me.

"Brent, wake up!" I whisper-shouted, becoming impatient with him.

He grunted. "Don't let the ogers out," He muttered half-asleep and fell asleep again---full-on snoring now.

I rolled my eyes and let him sleep, at least he was in a more comfortable position. I put my sleeping mask on and tried to at least rest my eyes.

Laying there, I thanked God first. It could've been worse, I mean, I didn't need any stitches other than on my head and my mom didn't hit me hard enough to actually puncture me. I just had a really bruised face, which yes, people stared at but I was thankful I was alive and in safe hands with my dad. Oh and for the stupid kid snoring beside me, he was the one to bring me to the hospital.

As I dozed off, I tried to keep the image of the video out of my head. I pushed all thoughts of my mother away before I had another panic attack on this plane.

Brent smiled at me. "C'mon." He said. He took my hand and led me into a dark room. I could only see the shine of his eyes through the small crack of light peering through the door..

"What is it that you wanted me to see?" I asked, giggling.

He flickered on the lights. The floor shined as if it were made of glass, thousands of sparkling Christmas light hung from the walls, rose petals scattered the floor, the walls we're a rich creamy white colour, and, at the very end of this ballroom, was a patio.

"It's gorgeous," I breathe.

"Yeah," He agreed. "But, not as gorgeous as you." He turned me around to face the largest mirror on the wall and I gasped.

We both looked like we stepped out of a seventies film, coming out of a royal dance. I wore a dress that was a dark blue, the top a corset and it came out at my waist, puffing out like Cinderella's gown. I took off my feathery masquerade mask to reveal my sparkly eyes, my eyelashes were thick and long, I sported a cat's eye and a dark red lip. My hair was HUGE. Tight spiraled curls were pulled back in a huge loose bun, a few pieces of hair falling in front of my face.

I turned to him. He glanced at me with an odd look in his eye and grinned, I felt like a million bucks. He was looking at me like I was the only woman in the world, and I looked at him like he was the only man. His dark eyes inspected me. He was wearing a tux and man, he really looked amazing. The most attractive guy I've ever seen. His thick locks we're combed, parting his hair in such a way, it made me think bad, bad, things. His tanned skin looked like a rich copper under the faint lights and I felt the urge to kiss him.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. Even with heels on, he was much taller than me. He gazed down at me, and licked his lips. The temptation... I wanted to reach up and just kiss him already. "Mon cherie," he whispers in my ear. I giggled at his fake French accent. Then he looks at me again. " Oh, how I want to kiss you." He says, in a low voice.

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