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Dear Diary,
        Shannon's alex dropped her off at class today after lunch .We were all waiting for the teacher outside algebra. Shannon's Alex was late to class but he didn't care .I guess he was so drunk on love that he didn't mind anything anymore .
My friend Asia and I were talking about Tomas and we wondered what his reaction would be if he saw Shannon and her Alex . well we didn't have to wonder anymore because Tomas arrived while Shannon and her Alex were all up on each other .The sight was hilarious at first but then I felt bad for the guy because he looked hurt .
Turns out the teacher wasn't there so we got a sub .The class was loud today .Tomas chose to bother our group which consisted of Asia , Shannon , Molly, and I.We all knew why he did it. I felt hurt because all the attention was towards her .I  felt jealous.

What's there to be jealous about ?
Her beauty,her athleticism, and the fact that she had tomas wrapped around her finger .


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