Jerome Valeska ~ Gotham

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It'd been 12 hours since they took Jerome away from you, off to prison for murdering his mother...

They didn't understand how much of a bitch she was, how Jerome would turn up at your trailer in the dead of night, covered in blood, bruises, welts and snake bites, he's lucky he didn't ever die.

I couldn't live without him, and though he'd promised me he would escape, come for me, that he wouldn't forget me and that he would joining me soon...but that couldn't happen for a good few years.

That's why I decided to take it upon myself and get admitted to Arkham Asylum.

I push myself off the ground, swiping the blood from my hands onto my jeans and Jerome's shirt. The blood of the stranger I just killed mixed with the blood of Jerome's mother's snake I'd killed earlier.

The GCPD had been called and in a matter of minutes, I was shoved into a cop car and driven down to the police department.

Questioning was short, I admitted to the murder straight away, as if the blood on my hands wasn't clue enough and in no one time, I was in a hideous black and white striped dressed, moving swiftly down the asylum hallways.

I kept my eyes peeled for the flaming orange hair I longed to see, but couldn't see anything or anyone.

It was mainly men in here, all bulked up and muscled out, nothing like my Jerome. Lanky, yet lean and muscular in his own way.

I was pushed into what seemed like the living area for the asylum inmates, instantly spotting a girl in the same horrible dress as me, reading some sort of book. I walked over to her, carefully...though I'd felt more at home here than I have ever before, I was still being cautious.

"Hey" I smiled, sitting down next to her

She ignored me, flipping the pages of her book, intent on pissing me off.

"Bitch" I scoffed, sitting back in my seat, crossing one leg over the other, turning my head to the side.

I took in my surroundings, the grey walls, grey bars, black and white uniforms, it was beginning to hurt my eyes. Though scared, I felt comfortable, like I was truly home. And killing that random woman that looked so much like Jerome's was liberating, even knowing she was innocent, it still felt amazing, like I was getting my own revenge for what she had done to Jerome.

The grating slide of a metal chair against hard concrete broke me from my thoughts

"Hi gorgeous" A voice spoke, a familiar voice, "I'm Jerome"

Jerome! He really is here!

I look over to him in excitement, only to see he was talking to the stupid blonde bitch beside me.

Then, an overwhelming rage took over me, and I growled, leaping across the space between us and tackling the stupid bitch to the ground, grabbing her hair, pulling at it before punching her several times, blood streaming from her mouth.

The best part? No one stopped me, the guards were there, in plain sight, but not one batted an eye towards either of us.

This was fun

Suddenly, a pair of pale arms pulled me back and off of the girl, pushing me further into a corner as I kicked and screamed at my capturer

"Let go of me!" I screamed as the arms released me, the body accompanying them trapping me in the corner

"I didn't know you had it in ya" Jerome smirked, leaning down to kiss me, crazed and fast and murderous, "That was hot"

"Miss me?" I smirked, before kissing him again

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