September 4, 2017 (Labor Day)

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I knew that the day that I ran into the street that something was going to happen, but I always thought it would be me getting hit by a vehicle speeding. Instead I ran into a guy that had the kindest eyes that the world has ever seen. Those light blue pearls drew me into his soul. I never knew that someone's eyes could make me fall for anyone, but here I was getting fooled once more. But the crazy part is that he looked like he was falling in love with my emerald green eyes.

"I'm so sorry," he said as he guided me to the other side of the street, back tracking in his steps. "I'm Jackson Myls, by the way."

I was still staring at his eyes smiling, as I said like a recording, "Stephane."

"Nice to meet you, Stephane. And I'm sorry about running into you in the middle of the road. That's not the best way to meet a pretty like you." He said this smiling at me. I could read those beautiful orbs of his, and they basically screamed that he wanted to kiss me right then and there. He, however to my hatred, reframed himself from making any hash decision with kissing me.

I laughed after he said that. "But that is one way to knock a girl off her feet." I know that line is cheesy and used a lot, but I couldn't help but to use it. I was scared that he didn't think that it was funny, but his laugh eased my worries that started to surface.

"Yeah, some way. I wish that I had pulled a smoother way in getting your attention, but I guess that way worked fine as well."

"Cutie, do you want my number?" I asked thinking that it was finally time to ask that because I wanted to see how this could work. He nodded and had his mouth open ready to say something, but I interrupted him, "Just give me your phone, and I'll put my number into it so you can contact me whenever about whatever."

He handed me his phone as he said, "Now give me your phone so I can add me as a contact for you. It's just so I can save you from the hassle of having to save a contact." I handed him my phone as I laughed at what he just said.

After we handed our respected phones back, he asked me, "Hey, are you heading to anything important, because if you aren't, would you like to accompany me to this little diner that I was heading to?"

"I was just going to the bank, so no I don't have any plans. So Jackson... you can lead the way to that diner. I just hope that you aren't a complete creep that I managed to bump into."

Laughter erupted from Jackson as we crossed back over the street that we bumped into each other only couple of minutes before. Jackson grabbed my hand as we crossed. "Just got to make sure that you don't get hit by a speeding car," He said that about half way across the street.

We walked for couple of minutes mainly in silence, but our hands remained interlocked. This felt perfect, like we met years ago not minutes. I loved this, I just wish that this could be reality for me.

When we finally reached the diner, Jackson guided me toward a booth away from everyone else in the room.

"So what do you do, Stephane?" Jackson asked, starting the getting to know each other session.

I gave him a look, "It's quite boring really. I'm a high school math teacher. I just moved here from a little town in Wisconsin, because I wanted a different... I don't know. I guess that I just wanted a change in scenery. I just got a job couple days ago and I'm just finishing up moving into an apartment. What about yourself, handsome?"

"I'm from Las Vegas, but I got a full ride to college thanks to baseball. I got drafted to the Cubs, and the last year I have been playing in Des Moines with the Iowa Cubs. Now, this year the Chicago Cubs needed me so I'm here in the Majors. I'm happy I'm here and not Iowa because I got to meet you."

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