Chapter 36: Apologies

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Braden and Amelia walk into the restaurant, Braden taking a deep breath and following Amelia. They all sit down without a word.

"How's Shelb?" Tyler asks.

"She's fine."


"Sorry about your face," Braden says to Luke.

"Whatever," he shakes his head looking at Amelia and Braden. "You guys are cute together."


"Just saying," he shrugs. "She resembles her."

"Sorry about him," Braden apologizes.

Amelia goes to say something but is cut off by Luke. "What...can't fuck Shelby for a month and you move on to this Shelby look a like?"

"What the hell are you talking about bro?"

"Dude just stop," Tyler speaks up.

"Yeah just stop," Braden agrees.

"Can we go home?" Luke rolls his eyes.

"Why? Because you're drunk and everyone is tired of you acting like an asshole?"

"No, because I wanted to spend time with my best friend before I never get to see him because he's going to be a dad and leave me behind."

Braden looks at him surprised. "I'm not gonna leave you behind man."

Luke mumbles unclear and just sits there. Braden sighing knowing he's still a little tipsy. Abruptly, Luke gets up and walks out, Tyler following.

"I should go talk to him," Braden says looking over at Amelia.

"Yeah you probably should," she smiles.

He nods and stands up, walking out of the restaurant and heading back towards the hotel. Luke is sitting outside the hotel having a smoke.

"Are you good to talk or you gonna tell me to fuck off again?" Braden asks standing in front of him.

"I don't care man," he sits back, leaning his head back against the building.

Braden sits down beside him. "Listen bro, I'm all for this trip too but I'm not one of your single friends okay? I'm married. I'm married to your sister. I love your sister very much and after this whole hospital shooting thing I do nothing but worry about her anymore. I hate being away from her. You're my best friend, there is no doubt about that. I'm not just gonna fall off the face of the earth once I become a dad. Shit dude you can still come over during football and baseball season to watch games. Shit, you can come over whenever you want, you know that. I was your best friend way before I became a dad."

"You say that," Luke laughs. "But its different when you're a dad man. You'll be taking her to ballet and piano lessons instead of coming with us for a beer after work. You aren't going to watch that stuff anymore. You'll be watching princess shows and cartoons."

"I'll still get a beer with you after work and all that jazz."

"Like Shelby's going to let you," Luke laughs.

"She will," Braden smirks. "Your sister isn't that bad."

"No, but you aren't going to have time for anything else but your daughter, and that's how its supposed to be."

"I've never seen you this sappy," Braden laughs.

"Shut up," Luke groans. "I need a drink."

"No, you need to go to bed."

"Its like 7 and we're in Vegas. For once in your life, have a good time. Don't think about anything else."

"Deal, just no more strippers."

"No deal," Luke laughs. "No more lap dances."

"Fine," Braden laughs, Tyler and Rob walking over.

"You guys cool or do we need cops again?"

"Yeah were fine," Braden nods.

"We going to the casino? A show? A club?" Tyler asks.

"It's whatever you guys want to do."

"You're the married one," Tyler smirks. "Don't want to piss you off anymore."

"Well don't leave the married ones phone in Chicago."

"I didn't leave your phone there Rob did," Tyler smirks.

Braden rolls his eyes a little as they keep walking.

"So pick somewhere to go. Babies R' Us? Some store to pick your wife up something? Back to the hotel at 8?" Tyler smirks.

"I'll drag your ass to Babies R' Us," Braden smirks.

"So where are we going?" Luke speaks up.

"Let's try a casino this time I guess."


Heading into the room, closing the door a few hours later, Braden changes into sweatpants and climbing in the bed. He pulls the phone to him, dialing Shelby's cell number.

"Mm hello?" he hears after a few rings.

"Hey babe."

"'d the rest of the day go?" Shelby mumbles.

"It was okay. I won $1,000."

"That's great sweetheart," she yawns.

"Yeah. Are you feeling okay?"

"Mhm. I feel fine."

"I woke you up didn't I?"

"Mhm, it's fine."

"Go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow night."

"Mhm," she yawns hanging up.

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