I grabbed her and walked to her dressing room she already had her bags packed. I grabbed them and I told chauffeur to get my bags out my room.

NT-"Katoya let's go"

I held her hand and bags we walked out building and paparazzi was everywhere security had to back them up. We walked to the car,Katoya got in the car I put her bags in the trunk and mine. I got in the car she just looked around. I cranked up and pulled off

Katoya-"where we going"

NT-"to my house"

Katoya-"I have to do things at home,I have to go to the hospital,I got to cook Kenny something to eat,I have to work on some dresses"

Do You people see what I'm talking about. Katoya wants to just work non stop

NT-"Katoya listen to yourself you sound like a working machine"

Katoya-"That's because I have to keep working"

She pulled out her phone and called someone as I listened to the conversation I knew it was about work. I reached and snatched her phone and hanged it up

Katoya-"Hey! I was handling business"

NT-"that's the problem. Just sit back and just relax for once in a lifetime"

She crossed her arms.
**45 mins**
We pulled up to my house. I got out and walked to front door. Katoya looked liked she could barely stand. I picked her up

Katoya-"Nathaniel put me down"

I unlocked the door and went inside,my dog was jumping up and down


He sat down. I carried her upstairs to my room. I sat her on the bed, she just looked at me and didn't say anything, she just looked so pitiful so sick and tired

NT-"I'm going to run you some bath water, you're going to take a good old hot bubble bath and I want you to just relax don't think about nothing"

Katoya-" I can't clear my mind,I just can't"


I rubbed my temple's. I went in my bathroom and started running her bathwater,I put the bubble bath soap in there and then I put rose pedals in there and lit some small candles around it. Katoya peeped her head in the bathroom. I guess she noticed the frustration on my face so she started taking he clothes off for some reason she looked so nervous like I never seen her body before, deep down I feel like Katoya has just shut everybody out and it's like I have become a total stranger to her,but tonight she is going to let me in and let me know what's really going on in that head of her's. I stopped the water and cut the light off and the candles kept the lighting in the room,Katoya got in the tub and just sat there looking.

NT-"I will be back"

I walked out the bedroom and down stairs to the kitchen. I looked in fridge and got out some fruit like strawberries,blue berry's, pamagrante,banana I cut them up and put them on the plate then poured her some white wine. I sat the things on counter, I got my dog settled to keep him occupied. I grabbed the wine and fruit then walked upstairs,When I got to my room I looked in the bathroom Katoya was just sitting back with her eye's closed. I sat the plate of fruit and bottle of wine on the side of the tub.

NT-"I'm back. I brought you some fruit and wine to help"

She opened her eye's and smiled


I put the toilet seats down and sat down

Katoya-"so what's the purpose of this"

NT-"because your stressed, you're not doing well it's written all over your face"

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