"Yes. Yes, definitely yes." The raven haired man replied quickly, shutting his locker shut with sudden force and grabbing onto Niall's soft hands. They were rather small in his grasp but they were definitely bigger for a man of Niall's size. He quickly led them away from the intruding hallways and down to the empty parking lot. "What did you want to talk about?" Zayn asked after the awkward silence had become too much for him to take. He could see all emotions flash round Niall's eyes, from confusion to realization and then to a hurtful one which made his own heart clench in frightful pain. Zayn brushed the emotion away, not allowing himself to ponder over why the way Niall's moods changed, his own got affected. 

"Kehlani talked to me today. More like warned and threatened me." The older man clenched his hands into fists, wanting to do nothing more than just drag the woman away and throw her in the next plane of USA but alas, his mother had desperately pleaded for him to let her stay. Just for a few months. He calmed himself down, not wanting to be the kind of asshole who raises his fists on woman.  Even though this particular woman was really getting on his last nerve. What was she even thinking by directly talking to Niall?  The poor lad didn't know anything. It was all Zayn's doing. He was the stupid one who involved a completely innocent person into his fucked up families fucked up business by asking him to pretend to be his lover. 

"Don't listen to her and please don't believe in anything she says.  I promise you that I will deal with her. She won't bother you ever again. I'm sorry that she even got to talk to you alone and threaten you." Zayn muttered out through clenched teeth, watching the way the small blonde nodded his head up and down. He was too small and fragile, the Pakistani noted. He watched curiously as Niall ran a nervous hand through his hair, messing up the perfectly quiffed blonde roots and eyed the way Niall liked his lips, wetting them up. He really didn't understand why he felt such strong lust filled emotions towards a complete nerd but then again, Niall had a rebellious side to him as well. He wasn't a complete angel who kept away from cursing loudly or smoking or drinking or partying but rather, he did everything and still managed to be innocent and pure.

"Okay. But I have something more to say," the smaller lad paused, taking a deep breath before allowing his eyes to stare directly at  Zayn's hazel ones. He leaned against the back of Zayn's black Audi, sighing loudly before setting the words right in his confused mind. There was so much he wanted to talk about but he didn't know how to express himself without coming on too strong or sounding absolutely pathetic. "I don't think I can pretend to be your fake boyfriend anymore." Niall stopped, watching the way Zayn scoffed loudly before taking a step in his direction, his dark eyes showing nothing but absolute shock and amusement. 

"Why not?" 

"Because you know that I have feelings for you and pretending to be your fake boyfriend just hurts me so much.  Especially when I have to watch you act all couple like with your fiance!" The blonde hissed, turning his head away when Zayn reached down a hand to touch his cheek. He didn't want to give into the temptation of the Pakistani's soft caresses and touches. Niall wanted to just get his words out and walk away. He didn't want to put himself through the torture of being a side bitch and watching Zayn get married to somebody else. Or maybe, he was just thinking too much. 

"I told you that I will deal with her. I just need a bit of time so I can convince my mother to send Kehlani away. Trust me, if it wasn't for my mum, I wouldn't ever allow that bitch to touch me or even talk to me." Zayn whispered lowly, pressing his hands on their side of his cars door, trapping Niall in. He brought his body closer to the small Irishman's, pressing it against Niall's delicate frame as his eyes traveled down the blue eyes and over to the cute nose, down to the thin pink lips and then to Niall's prominent Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he gulped. 

"Zayn, don't you realize that you're asking too much of me here? I can't pretend to be alright with seeing you with her. I'm in love with you and I don't think you understand how serious I am about this. I don't want to hold onto you if you can't promise me an actual relationship. I'm sorry but I just can't." Niall whispered, pressing his hands on the taller man's chest, not allowing his heart and his mind to even think about the way the tanned skin felt under his touch. He wanted to do nothing more than get rid of the layers of clothing between them and be the one to service Zayn this time just the way the raven haired man had done to him. But he resisted the temptation, averting his gaze towards the empty parking lot . 

"And what if I can?" 

"What?" Niall raised an eyebrow, snapping his head towards the tanned man in confusion as he watched a genuine smile fill in his face. It made his heart race rapidly but he resisted the urge to expect too much. All he wanted to do right now was go back to his house and lock himself in his bedroom. His overbearing parents and his annoying older brother seemed a much better company to be around instead of Zayn fucking Malik. 

"What if I offer you an actual relationship?"  Zayn repeated, trying hard to tell himself that he was just doing all this for his might big plan but his heart knew otherwise. He completely disregarded the option of actually proposing a genuine relationship all because he was too afraid to loose Niall and give him up. There was no way he could be falling for someone so damn easily. Sure, Niall was easy on the eyes and Zayn wouldn't mind fucking his tight virgin ass again and again but for him to actually like or worse, love him? That was impossible. He just wasn't the type to do flowers and chocolates. 

"What are you trying to say?" Niall choked out, pushing Zayn again so he could look into his eyes clearly. 

"I'm saying that, will you, Niall James Horan, do me the honors of being my actual, real, boyfriend?" 

AN/ So this is an update for somebody incredibly adorable. He's so tiny and short and okay, he's like 4 years older than me but he's like a little squirrel lol. Well, I imagine him as a squirrel since I don't really know what he looks like. But here's the birthday update for the person every Ziall fan fic reader is aware of. ZIALLISLIFEE . HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART. HOPE U HAVE A GOOD ONE. ILY x 


Apart from this:

Thoughts on the chapter? 

What do you think about Zayn and Niall's conversation?

Do you think Zayn is actually serious about wanting a relationship with Niall?

Should Niall say yes or should he refuse?

How do you think Kehlani is going to act when she gets to know about Zayn's proposal?

Should Zayn just tell Kehlani to back the fuck off? 

Do you think if Ziall for real starts to date, will it actually work out or not?

Next update at 90+ votes and comments! :) 

RANDOM QUESTION: Suggest me some really nice boyxboy or any Ziall/Narry/Nouis/Niam/ Niall centric fiction to read? I'm really out of good books -_- 

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