Chapter Seven

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"I told you to hang out with him! Not fuck him!" She's yelling now with tears streaming down her face. "I don't even make you smile anymore, Zayn. What the fuck happened? Did I ever make you smile? I don't think so. During University days, it was Liam who would make you laugh. Then your band members, then it was your friend Michelle with her kid jokes. I was just there, listening to you laugh about someone who made you laugh. It looks like I've been forcing you to be with me. Why did you propose if this isn't what you wanted?"

"I did love you, Perrie. I don't know. You kept going on about the wedding, and you pressurized me into the engagement. It was either get you a ring or let you leave me. I couldn't let you leave me."

"And you expect me to stay with you happily while you have little secret dates with the neighbour's boy?" Perrie questions. "Guess what, Zayn? This isn't what I want. Now that I think about this, the time that you two got lost during Easter hunt, the holiday that you two spent in a room together in Brighton and now him hanging out in school...I can't. And his room is the one opposite to the art room. No wonder you don't let me go in there."

Zayn stays silent. She gets up then, walking upstairs. His breath hitches and he walks behind her. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Art room. Let me see what's so important in there." She mutters.

"Fuck, you don't have to..." He can't let her go in. He can't let her see what he's been trying to lock away himself. But she's unstoppable. She yanks open the door and walks in. The photos from their trip to Brighton are everywhere. Her eyes scanned over each photo before looking up at the on-going sketch on his canvas. The one he was making which included Harry, Gemma and Anne. Her hands went over the paper before they went over the pictures. She wasn't saying anything. Zayn stood near the door, waiting for her to rip off something.

"You look so happy." She barely manages to say through the tears streaming down her face and hiccups making their way through her mouth. "So fucking happy in comparison to your pictures with me."

"I am happy with you too, Perrie. But those pictures were taken in the morning and I was grumpy,"

"Don't lie." She says. "I can tell when I see someone in love and look at this, the way you're looking at him... something that I wanted Harry to capture with his camera. But how could he capture something that didn't exist?"

"Perrie." He says. He doesn't want to admit this, but he had promised this to Harry. "What Harry and I have is purely...sexual. No feelings. I was just in... lust with a young man. But you're you. And I love you. That's why I took the ring and..."

"No." She cuts him off. He looks hurt, but then she walks closer to him. "I'll think for some time. I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Leaving? Where are you going?" He asks.

"Somewhere. I will see you soon. In a week, I think." She whispers with a smile in her teary face. Zayn nods and lets her walk past him. He looks at the pictures, Perrie left them where they were without damaging anything. "The painting in Harry's room is beautiful, Zayn." She says before closing the door to her and Zayn's room.

He's confused. He walks towards his window and looks right at Harry's house.

He smiles at that. Harry had put up the painting right above his bed so Zayn could see it clearly. The one Zayn had drawn for his class.

Harry's sat on the couch, staring at Gemma who's typing down in her laptop. Anne's ordering some flowers through her phone and some soap opera is playing on the television. He can't stop thinking about Zayn and what kind of a mess he would be in right now.

Gemma squeals at his picture with Gigi, so does Anne and they cry for a bit. Later that night when Anne's asleep and Gemma's working on her article, he tells her about the thing Zayn had with Gigi back in University and how he was personally invited by her.

Just Like An Avalanche [Zarry AU]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant