Lexington Event Center showdown

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Manhattan, New York

"Alright team gather around" said Sentinel "today we are raiding the Lexington event center, from the intel we have received the Riker boss Larae Barrett is there. Also this is the main base of the Riker faction. We take her out and they will dissolve, Everyone gear up."
Said Sentinel.

Gear: Skills:
• Sentinel Ballistic shield
- Midas
- Super 90 Smart Cover
- Golden Rhino

• Tank
- Hungry hog Sticky bomb(BFB)
- The showstopper
- Damascus Flame Turret

• Swift
- Liberator Seeker mine(cluster)
- vector 45 Acp Shock turret
- m1911

• Ace
- Lightweight M4 Pulse
- Custom m44 Sticky bomb (flash)
- First wave X-45

Lexington event center

The division agents entered the Riker base, the base was heavily guarded by rikers. As the agents get close to the main hall the more intense it got. Rikers started popping out everywhere, swarming and are trying to prevent the agents from reaching the main hall where there leader Larae Barrett is. As the agents fought them going all the way up to the roof to rescue a hostage JTF they finally made it to the main hall were they must face the Rikers boss. "Well, ain't this some shit! Thought you mighta have the good sense to stay away, but I see: you comin to meet your maker. I see you beggin, for the punishment we about to give you. Ask, and you shall receive! Pigs to the slaughter, kill 'em all!" said Barrett. As she then unleash hordes of rikers after the agents. "There's too many!" Yelled Swift. "We gotta hold out keep firing!" Commanded Sentinel. As they slowly take down the rikers one by one, Barrett decided to take the matter on to her on hands, she got down the balcony and started shooting the agents. "There she is! We have to kill her!" Yelled Tank. "Alright Ace take the left side and try and snipe her from up here, Tank you and me are going down there to get her attention, swift u take care of the remaining rikers." Commanded Sentinel. Ace then proceeds to the left side were he is ready to take the shot, he pulse to see how many rikers are left, 6 are left, Sentinel pulls out his shield to take the incoming damage, while Tank shoots his sticky bomb to down the heavys "only 4 more" said Tank, Swift throws his Seekers down until Barrett's the only one left, "Do it Ace!" Said Sentinel. Ace pulls the trigger and shoots Barrett on her head. "Kill confirmed great work agents!" Said Sentinel. As everyone celebrated killing the Rikers. "That wasn't easy phew" said Ace. "Agreed" said Sentinel. Sentinel reports back to Division commander Rex Powers. "Great job agents without there boss they'll be scattering but the job is not down, get back to base and get some rest out." Said Rex. As the agents were about to make there way back, Ace finds a phone inside Barrett's pocket, it had one voice recording Ace played it.

Phone Recording:
Date: November 20 2021
- "Barrett you sure, you and this convicts can handle the job? Cause I guarantee you those Division agents aren't a walk in the park to kill. They'll be sending in the second wave soon and I want them gone. Said the mysterious voice". "Yes my men are the toughness and ruthless savages who can take down anyone". Replied by Barrett. "Alright then go take over the Lexington event center that would be a good base for you and watch out for Bliss is LMB and Joe Ferro's Cleaners there gonna stand in your way if you want Manhattan for yourself" Raptor out.
Phone Recording ends

After Ace listens to it he puts the phone in his backpack and walks with the other agents back to base. At around 7:00pm Ace in the mission briefing shows everyone what he found and as everyone listen the question on Ace, Swift and Tanks mind is who's Raptor? Rex says: " Raptor was a first wave division agent who has gone rogue, he was one of the few who mana he to escape the dark zone." "Looks like we got another rogue agent." Said Sentinel "How many rouges are there anyway?" Ask Swift. "Well most first wave agents have been either KIA or MIA but by the looks of it most of them have gone rogue, this is some valuable data, as in if we can find Raptor we might be able to find out where the other first wave agents are." Said Rex. "Alright then so what's the mission?" Ask Ace. "Hmm I'll brief everyone tomorrow, everyone get some rest and be ready for tomorrow goodnight agents." Said Rex. As the agents head to the rooms for a good nights rest.

Slowly updating again it's hard to come up with ideas but oh well hopefully you guys enjoy this thanks :) after this I might make another Origin story will see, see you soon agents.
- Speedy

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⏰ Huling update: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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The Division: Operation Dark Winter Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon