"Today is the day that your father is getting married, it's only natural for you to be worried. But if you worry too much, you won't be able to enjoy it." I nodded at his words. "You look beautiful right now, and you should be smiling. It's a big day for you, don't let the little things ruin it."

I admired how he knew exactly what to say whenever I needed to hear it. If I was having the worst day, he was always there to cheer me up. It was just another one of his qualities that I grew to love quickly.

He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine gently. His lips fit perfectly with mine, as if they were made for each other. My eyes fluttered close and I felt him wrap his arm around my waist, picking me up over the dashboard and sliding me on his lap. I ran my hand through his freshly glossed quiff, trying not to mess it up. His tongue slid over my lips, then entered my mouth with ease.

I still had a lot on my mind, but his kiss did make me forget about everything for a minute.

We pulled apart slowly, and I became disappointed, not wanting to face reality. But unfortunately, I had to.

"You're a good kisser," he smirked, "you know that right?"

I laughed at his comment, "I've learned from the best."

I turned around, still in his lap, and saw his shoes untied. I bent down to reach them.

"I'll tie them, don't worry babe." He said.

I reached his laces, "it's fine, I'm already here."

His hands slid down my arms until they rested right on top of mine. We had been together for a while, but I still got chills every time he touched me. He rested his chin on the crook of my neck, "do you think anyone would notice if we stayed here instead of going inside?"

I laughed a bit, "I hope not."

I finished tying up his shoe tightly, ready to leave, but he didn't let go. "Thank you baby," he whispered in my ear.

"You are welcome Zayn, but I have to go."

Clearly, he wasn't worried about my busy schedule, instead he just pressed my back to his chest and kissed my bare shoulder. "Can't we stay?"

"I wish," I sighed.

He played with my fingers, "we never see each other anymore."

I spotted Carlee walk out the door, looking around probably for me. "I know sweetheart, but there is a bright side to all of this."

"What is that?" He asked.

"Right after the wedding, dad and Cora are staying at a hotel for a couple of days, so we'll get to be together then."

"Really?" He spoke, a certain excitement in his voice.

I nodded, and he kissed my cheek quickly. "Then let's go, we have to finish this thing."

I laughed and got out of the car with Zayn. Carlee had walked back inside already, and I was thankful that no one was around to see Zayn and I walk in together.

When we had stepped in, it was frantic, and my stomach twisted. People running everywhere, chairs set in the wrong places, bridesmaids running around.

I pointed to the stage, "that's where you'll be singing at the reception," I said to him, "there is already a list of songs you have to sing. I have to go, but we'll catch up later." He nodded, then brushed his lips to mine briefly before walking off.

I ran to Carlee, "what's the problem?"

"There you are!" She exclaimed, "okay chef needs help with where to put the foods and some of the bridesmaids can't fit into their dresses. Also the cake has been put where it belongs but they spelled Cora with a H. Oh and the chairs are in the wrong place instead of next to the isle, and the photographer is wondering who he should give the photos to. Plus Cora really needs you in the back."

Runaway (A Zayn Malik fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now