"Zayn the water's warm," I informed him, "you should come try it out."

"No thanks."

I pouted, "please babe."

He shook his head and I frowned, what was fun about swimming if I was all alone? I turned around and began to swim around, thinking of ways that I could get Zayn in the water. Suddenly I had an idea.

I turned around rapidly and pretended to get my foot caught in something underwater, "Zayn!" I shouted as my head went underwater.

If Zayn wasn't going to come in willingly, he had to come in forcefully.

I stayed underwater, hoping he'd come because I couldn't hold my breath for that long. Suddenly, I felt a vibration in the water, signaling that Zayn had got in. I felt a hand wrap around my waist, pulling me upwards and over the water.

"Kat," Zayn panted, "Kat are you okay?"

I laughed, "I knew that would get you in."

Hus face grew relieved, then hard, "so it was a joke?"

I nodded and smiled, "but you faced your fears didn't you?"

"Forget water," he spoke, "my biggest fear is losing you, and thinking that was about to happen scared the living shit out of me Kat."

I looked up at him, taken back by his words. "Your biggest fear is loosing me?"

"Yeah," he ran his hand though his wet hair, "don't you ever scare me like that again, do you understand?"

I didn't say anything, or move any muscle, instead I just stared at him. The water around us, his arm wrapped protectively over my waist, his heart beating rapidly against mine. Did he really just say that loosing me was his biggest fear?

"Listen to me Kat," Zayn whispered, "that wasn't a joke. And it wasn't in any way funny, just plain scary. If you ever do that again, you don't even know what I might do to save you."

I nodded, "I'm sorry."

He wrapped his arms around me tightly, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "It's fine, but promise me you won't do it again."

"I won't," I whispered, "I promise."

"That's my girl."

We stood in the water for a second, my mind set on the fact that he said loosing me was his biggest fear. But I hadn't actually realized that Zayn was in the water, finally.

"Zayn," I spoke which broke both of our train of thoughts, "guess who isn't drowning."

He gasped then backed away from me, acting as if he was escaping the water. He looked around while trying to find a way out, but he was too terrified to move.

"Babe," I giggled, "you're already in, why are you so scared."

"I'm not," he lied, "let's just go somewhere else tonight, I know this great bar downtown."

He finally made his way to the staircase that led him out the pool. "let's go." He grabbed a nearby towel and began rubbing his wet chest.

"I don't want to," I sighed, "I want to stay here."

"Kat," his voice grew stern, "I said let's go."

I've known him long enough to realize that when he talks like that, it means I should probably listen. But that night, I wanted to bend the rules just a bit.

"Only on one condition," I told him, smiling confidently, "you have to come and get me out."

He sighed, "Babe."

Runaway (A Zayn Malik fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now