Before I could respond, I heard the running water come to an abrupt halt. I walked back to the guest room and went in to wait for (y/n) to come out.

As I stood there, I couldn't stop thinking about what Wildcat said. What am I lying about? That bastard, I swear sometimes he can just get on my nerves.

I heard the bathroom door creak open, and (y/n) walked out with her hair still wet.

"You ready to head out?" I asked as she stood there, rubbing her hair with a towel.

"Where are we going, exactly?" she asked, continuing to run the towel over her wet hair.

"It's a surprise," I chuckled, walking out of the room and motioning for her to follow.

We walked to the parking area and got into the truck. I started the ignition and drove off, careful to actually be a good driver.

I headed toward the beach, having planned out a full day of activities for me and (y/n). Maybe after today, she'd be comfortable enough to agree to becoming a member of the Vanoss Crew. Damn, I just realized how silly that name was. I should talk with the others about a new gang name.

I could see from the corner of my eye that (y/n) began to squirm with anticipation. She looked out the window, probably pondering where we were heading.

I parked along the road between other cars along the road. I hoped out and opened her door, examining her somewhat confused face.

"You still clueless," I chuckled as I closed the door.

"Are we heading to the beach?" she asked, looking around. I nodded and took her hand in mine. It was cold, but it started to heat up as we walked toward the boardwalk.

We walked down the boardwalk hand in hand, passing rows and rows of food stands and carnival games.

"Wanna try one?" I asked as we passed another carnival game. She looked at me, taken aback by my proposal.

"Can I?" she asked.

"Of course," I smiled.

She let go of my hand and ran over to a booth. It was the game where you shoot water into the target to make the stuffed animal move up. Can't remember what it was called, I was too focused on beating (y/n).

"I know how much of a good shooter you are, so let's put a little wager on this," I grinned mischievously.

"What is it," she grinned, intrigued.

"If I beat you, I get a victory kiss," I chuckled.

"What-" she began, a startled look on her face.

"On the lips," I interrupted her. Her face went from surprised to determined.

"You're on. I won't let you beat me. And if I win, I get one of your guns," she laughed.

"You want a gun?" I asked, surprised by her request.

"Sure, why not," she shrugged. I grinned and looked at her before we sat down at the booth.

"You're on!"

I paid the teenager at the booth for one game for the two of us. The acne-ridden guy took the money and prepared the game for us. He stood up once it was all ready.

"When the alarm sounds, you can start shooting," the awkward guy said as he positioned himself by the alarm.

"Ready... Set... Go!" he hit the alarm and we both scrambled to shoot. She positioned the gun on the bullseye and her stuffed animal began to quickly rise, higher than mine. I shot in the bullseye as well, desperate to win. She was close to the top, and I was running out of time so I reached over to my right and kissed her on the cheek. I turned back and continued, meanwhile she had stopped to look at me.

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