Chapter 13

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Vanoss POV

I was close to eliminating that pest. Damn that softie Nogla. Now that she's still alive, I'm forced to babysit the brat while we're testing out the new weapons. Not my idea of fun.

I strolled down to the older part of the shooting range with (y/n) trailing behind me. Normally, she'd be in front of me, but I am already armed so if she attempts an escape that would be a death wish.

I stood about fifteen feet away from the targets. They were old and worn, and have clearly been shot with a large variety of weaponry. Some of the targets had large chunks taken from the corners, some even cut in half. I adjusted myself and prepared my assault rifle while I watched (y/n) from the corner of my eye sit down on the ground behind me.

As I raised my rifle, I steadied myself and took a deep breath. When I exhaled, I pulled the trigger and watched the bullet hit it's target almost dead center. I kept my composure on the outside, pretending as if I did that every time I shot when that was a bit of a stretch. I didn't want anyone to see me as a horrible shot. Well, I'm not bad, not at all - it's just that the center isn't as easy to hit as it appears.

I prepared the rifle to fire again, turning around to make sure (y/n) was still present. She was in the same spot I last saw her in, so I turned back to the target and shot again. This time, I just missed the center by a centimeter, which pissed me off but whatever.

As I prepared to shoot again, I looked over at (y/n) again. She looks bored and tired, which I don't care much but I began to chuckle as a thought formed in my mind.

"Hey, you wanna shoot one?" I asked sarcastically while holding in my laughter. My smile quickly shifted to a frown when I watched her stand from the ground, with a serious facial expression.

"Um, I was kidding," I mumbled.

"So, can I still shoot one anyways?" she asked in a nervous tone, probably still a bit shaken from earlier.

"Ha. Tell you what, if you can shoot the bullseye - doesn't have to be exactly in the middle - but if you make it in the bullseye I will let you live for a week," I puffed my chest out a bit, convinced she wasn't going to even hit the target at all.

"Such big talk. I'll do it, only to destroy your large ego," she boldly said as she held her hands out for the assault rifle. I was hesitant to hand it over, but I held it out towards her.

"Careful, sweetheart, it's heavy," I chuckled mockingly. I placed the gun in her hands, and I released it and watched her whole body lower from the sudden weight. I laughed at how weak she was, and received a glare from her.

"And just in case you get any ideas," I began as I pulled my pistol out, "I'll be behind you with this ready to shoot if you try anything."

She nodded in response and looked down at the rifle. She looked nervous and a bit lost. I looked at her (e/c) eyes, noticing how she looked like a lost puppy.

"Ugh, you're so helpless," I muttered agrivated as I went over and prepared the rifle for her.

Once it was all set, I stepped back and prepared my pistol. She lifted the rifle, her arms shaking like crazy. She did her best to hold it steady, but it wasn't perfect. She looked at the target, aligning it with the rifle as best she could, given how shaky her arms were the alignment wasn't great.

She closed one eye and relaxed her face, focusing on nothing but the target. Her finger wrapped around the trigger, and she waited before shooting. She aligned herself once more and tried to hold the rifle steady as she aimed. Finally, she looked stressed and just pulled the trigger.

She sighed and put the rifle on the ground, relieved she no longer had to hold it. She remained sitting on the ground by the rifle as I stood behind her slack jawed in awe. My arms were resting at my sides; I had completely forgotten I had a pistol in my hand and accidentally dropped it on the ground.

Over across the field, a new bullet hole had been made in the bullseye, not directly center but closer than what I previously was.

"H-how? How did you...? What the hell?!" I stuttered, having large difficulty forming words.

"Why do you look so surprised?" she asked, almost in an offended tone.

"I...I just thought you had no experience with guns. I was prepared to laugh in your face," I confessed.

"I used to have Nerf gun wars with my family, so I'm not a bad aim," she responded.


"Well, better keep your end of the deal," she said with a straight face.

Looks like I'll have to babysit this pest for another week...

Although I would never admit it out loud, that experience gave me a bit of admiration for her. I wasn't expecting anything and she exceeded my expectations, and actually proved me wrong.

Later, when we left the shooting range and went back to the apartment, I told the rest of the gang about how (y/n) had impeccable aim.

"I need to see this, it sounds too farfetched," Moo chuckled. Delirious and Lui nodded in agreement while Wildcat just laughed.

"I'll believe you when pigs fly dude," he laughed.

"I'm telling you, that's the mentality I had before I watched her shoot. She's better than I am," I admitted.

"No, no. Now the joke has gone too far. I just can't see her being able to hit the bullseye, or even the whole target," Marcel commented.

"You know what, we're going back tomorrow and I'll let her shoot again. I'll show you guys she's amazing with a gun," I said as I stood up from the couch and walked away. I was tired of their ignorance, but I'll prove them wrong tomorrow.

By now, (y/n) should be nearly finished with her shower, so I went back to the guestroom. I unlocked the door and went inside, locking it behind me and walking over to my bed.

She was finally out, and exited the bathroom. Her (h/l) hair was sticking to her face, and she still had water dripping down her hair.

She went to her bed and laid down. I was about to, but before I did I set the alarm clock and turned the lights off. I groped my way back to my bed and laid down, ready to sleep. The whole day was long and stressful, so it felt great to lay down and relax.

Before I had fallen asleep, I could hear (y/n) softly snoring in her bed. She passed out quickly, but I didn't blame her. She had a long and stressful day too, I imagine. She did almost get shot, which would stress anyone out really. I didn't feel bad for almost shooting her, but I did feel sorry for the whole situation she's trapped in. I was in that place once long ago; scared, alone, and trapped. But that's a story for another time.

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