Chapter 10

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A/n: The video has nothing to do with this chapter, but I like it so enjoy :)

Sometime later that day, maybe around 4 or 5 pm, Vanoss said be ready to go to the bank. You obliged, telling him to wait in the guest room while you went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and change. Once finished, you found Vanoss passed out on the air mattress.

"Um..." you didn't want to wake him up, in fear of whether or not he's the kind of person who hates having his rest interrupted.

You decided to just leave and ask one of the other guys for assistance. That is, until you discovered Vanoss locked the door while you were showering and changing. You should've figured by now, since he always does that.

"Uh... Vanoss?" you mumbled.

"Hey, Vanoss," you called a little louder while stepping on the air mattress. You knelt down on the floor by the mattress, looking at his sleeping face.

"Hey," you mumbled once more.

This is getting me nowhere.

"Vanoss!" you quickly yelled. Vanoss quickly and roughly grabbed your wrist. He pinned you to the mattress in a frantic panic. Once he paused and took a deep breath, he generalized it was you.

"Don't scare me like that," he angrily mumbled, his face directly above your face.

He stood up and released your arms, leaving you scared and dumbfounded on the mattress. The shock hadn't left, so your heart continued to pound.

"Sorry," he mumbled, not sounding sincere, "Let's just get over to the bank and deposit the cash."

~ Time skip, brought to you by the Future Googling Man ~

Vanoss drove over to the bank, driving like a maniac like last time. He parked in the front near the door, in case something went wrong.

Vanoss unlocked the doors and got out first, and you got out quickly behind him. Then he held his hand forward, signalling you to lead the way since you were technically the one depositing money.

You entered the familiar bank, looking as it always did. It was hard to tell that a gang had recently robbed the place. The atmosphere was similar to the day you were taken captive. Even the same perky banker on the far end. Though, you'd expect after a traumatic experience like the one caused by the Vanoss Crew, they would give her a day or two off. But she looked like she had forgotten the whole ordeal.

Maybe she'll remember me if I go to her to deposit my money. I could finally get my freedom back.

You slyly walked over to the lady in glasses, and she smiled at you the same way she did the other day. It didn't look like she had remembered you yet, but maybe after you gave her your name, she'll remember.

"Hello!" she said in an exhilarated voice.

"Hi. I'd like to make a deposit from my account," you replied with a grin.



"Miss (L/n)?" her expression wavered slightly.


"Alright," she smiled once more, "How much will you be depositing?"

You glanced over at Vanoss from the corner of your eye, unsure how much to deposit. Obviously if you empty all $50k at once, it'll be suspicious. But wouldn't that mean freedom if someone notices.


"Your whole account?"


The lady paused with a raised eyebrow, curious as to why someone would deposit so much money all at once. But her job wasn't to question the customer, so she continued to collect the money for you without any more questions.

She handed the money to you quietly, giving one last smile. You smiled back halfheartedly and led Vanoss out of the bank. You both hopped into the car silently. Once in the car, Vanoss glared at you angrily.

"Why on earth would anyone empty $50k from their account all at once? You could've said a lower number! That lady may find us if she investigates further," he huffed.

"Sorry, you never said how much to deposit."

It was true, he only said to deposit money. He never specified how much. Who can blame you for trying though.

He started the car without saying a word. He backed out of the parking lot and started back to the apartment. The yellow light of the afternoon sun luminated the sky. The sun was slowly beginning to go down, so the sky had traces of orange, pink, and red along the horizon.

Guess it was a good attempt.

(VanossxReader) Unintentional °Complete°जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें