Chapter 18

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You woke with a strange warm feeling. It wasn't the same as the warmth from the duvet, it was warmer. Your eyes groggily opened, and it took a bit to register what was going on. Looking to your left, you found a sleeping Vanoss curled up beside you. He had his arm over you, making you worried to get up without waking him.

You slowly began to lift his arm, only to have him push it down. You checked to see if he was asleep still, and he was. You made an attempt to roll out from under his arm, but Vanoss curled his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. Your chest was pressed against his right side. You felt his other arm go under you and wrap around so his hands met, encasing you between his muscular arms.

"Are you awake?" You asked, a bit flustered. 

"No," he mumbled.

"Can you let me up?" you spoke, feeling your face heat up, "I need to shower."

"No," he mumbled again. He then began to adjust himself, beginning to spooning you. Your heartbeat began to get faster, so much to the point it was impossible he didn't hear or feel it. You could feel his chest rise with every breath. His big arms held you over him, wrapped tight around your waist under the duvet. Your back was against his stomach, and you could feel every muscle. Your back fit almost perfectly against his stomach.

"In a little bit. Let me have my fun," he muttered, still sounding like he was tired.

"But-" you began in protest.

"Shhh," Vanoss lifted his finger to place it over your lips while his breath grazed your ear, "Let me enjoy this for a little longer."

Your face grew red as his finger slowly traced your lips, then down your neck. Your heartbeat somehow managed to become faster than it already was. It felt like it was bounding so hard that it was forcefully pushing itself out.

Vanoss finally rolled you off of him, standing up from the bed and stretching. The wonderful warmth had now left, and you kind of wanted it back.

"Hurry and shower, I have something planned for today," he spoke as he grabbed some clothes and left, probably to take a shower in the other bathroom.

You let out a sigh, longing for the warmth you felt a second ago. The warmth you felt when Vanoss was close to you.

What is this? I can't be feeling things like this. What has come over me all of a sudden.

You scrambled to grab clothes and get into the bathroom. You stripped and brushed your hair before turning the water on. You put your bare foot under the water to check and see how hot it was. It was where you preferred it, so you got in and stood under the running water. It traced your body, going over your chest and down your legs.

Wonder what Vanoss has planned for today...


Vanoss POV

"Yo, did you ask her about being our sniper yet?" Wildcat asked me as I walked into the living room, hair still dripping wet from my shower.

"No, but I almost have her to the point where she might say yes," I responded as I walked over to where Wildcat was sitting.

"Ah, that's why you took her on that little date yesterday. You're still trying to gain her trust," he chuckled and sipped some soda.

"Yeah. And once she's a member, I'm keeping my distance. These past days have been so long and tiring," I let out an exasperated sigh. I could see Wildcat grinning before he slipped his soda again.

"What's so funny?" I asked defensively.

"Nothing, it just seems to me that you're a terrible liar," Wildcat got up and walked into the kitchen, leaving me to stand there and ponder what he meant by that.

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