Fünf // Five

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Louis's hands trembled a little due to the coldness outside and he wondered when Melanie would finally come out. He shivered, digging his hands beneath his armpits in the hope it'd be warmer there. He blew out some hot air, causing it to look like smoke as hot met cold. The door opened and Louis smiled gladly as the red haired girl came out, but she frowned immediately and wrapped her arms around her chest. "Fuck, it's freezing," she muttered with clashing teeth. She was one of the few people Louis knew whose teeth actually clattered when they were cold.

He assumed his leather jacket had taken on the cold so he didn't dare to wrap his arms around her because it wouldn't have warmed her at all. "Why didn't you wait in the car for me? I would've died."

"Left the keys inside. You got them?" Louis asked to which the girl nodded her head. They walked towards one of Louis's cars, a black VW Golf 7. The male slid on the driver's seat as the girl took place next to him and within seconds they were out of the car, driving down the streets of London. "What is this all about?" The girl asked finally after staring outside into the lighted night.

"It's a party," Louis told her. "It's Stan's birthday and I told him to come here, paying for the costs, of course. We'll get him from the train station and then to this club where we were two weeks ago. The one where you drank that pink horrible drink."

Melanie shook in disgust, "God, I'll never try that again."

The male laughed lightly as he took a turn, inching closer to King's Cross. "Anyway, we'll go there and some of his friends from Doncaster, who study here or in Manchester, are there too. I invited them all and paid for their arrival."

"Aw,I bet Stan will be really happy you did this for him. How old is he now?"

"Twenty-two," Louis replied. "Just like I will be way too soon."

Melanie chuckled. "Aw, you'll always be my little Boobear." She winked as the male shook his head and rubbed his forehead. "I still hate Zayn for letting this go public."

Mel kissed him on the cheek with a smile. "It's cute. Like you."

"'m not cute."

"Oh, yeah, right, you're all manly and hardcore, I remember." She rolled her eyes amused. "If you really were, I'd not sit here with you right now."

"You'll pay for that," he muttered under his breath, loud enough for her to hear.

"Of course, Boobear."

Louis shook his head sighing. "I get paid very well in my job. So, now, shut up about it, will you?"

Melanie sighed and pulled on her sleeves. Louis had noticed her doing this a lot already and wondered why - she hadn't done it a lot when they were together or even when they met but Louis had noticed that his (ex) girlfriend had changed a lot between 2010 and the day they met. "Why do always pull on your sleeves?" Louis asked and saw the girl's eyes widening.

"Uh, b-because," she stammered with highly red cheeks. She quickly looked down and pulled on her sleeves again until they were completely covering her fingers as well.

"Melanie," Louis said calmly and reassuringly. "You can tell me. I might be a stranger to you now but we've never really kept secrets from each other. I get if it takes you some time to trust me again but I do trust you with my life." He smiled lightly at her, causing the girl to sigh.

She rolled up her sleeves, exposing her arms and for a second she was confused. "I, uh, I used to, um, scratch my skin," she muttered. "I, I guess I, um, stopped?"

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