Zehn // Ten

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“Are you ready?” Melanie asked fumbling with the hem of her coat.

Louis nodded and dusted off his own jacket, looking up to where the girl was stood. He couldn’t help but smile when he noticed her fumbling with the jacket because she’d always been extremely adorable when she was nervous and he’d always loved holding and calming her then. “Yeah. Shall we?” He smiled and held out his elbow for her to link their arms and she did before she slipped her hand down his arm and moved her fingers in between his as the walked down the hallway to the next door.

His heart skipped a beat and he even noticed his cheeks turning a darker shade but she didn’t comment on it, so the male hoped she just hadn’t seen it. “I’m sure you’ll do great, don’t you worry,” he chuckled and out of habit, he pressed his lips to her temple and it felt as if she leant into him, drawing a smile upon his lips.

“Why are you suddenly so scared? It’s not like you’ve gone shopping in Vienna for the first time, is it?”

“No,” Melanie sighed and shrugged, “I don’t even know why the hell I’m so nervous. I just guess you make me nervous…” Again, Louis’s heart skipped a beat. “I mean, you’re internationally famous and I am scared people will recognise you and maybe me as well because I know people know who I am. Even though that’s so fucking weird.” She shuddered and shook her head, which Louis was glad for because then she couldn’t see the disappointment in his eyes. He hadn’t thought about this as a possibility for her nervousness but now it felt as if it had been the most obvious thing in the world.

Melanie had agreed to join him at a movie premiere in London next weekend, although the thought was scaring her so far, so they had decided to go to Vienna shopping – also so Melanie could see the world again. She’d never really been anywhere except for where her mother lived and where she herself lived when she was thirteen and her brain must have thought her trips to other countries were unnecessary so they haven’t come back to her mind – yet.

“You’ll be fine,” Louis smiled at her softly. “You’ve managed it before, I know you can do it.”

When she looked up at him and noticed him looking at her like this, she blushed furiously and turned her head around quickly, not wanting to feel like this towards Louis. She was still confused about what he had said not too long ago but she hadn’t asked him about it any further. It would only end up awkward and she didn’t want things to be awkward between them.

“Okay,” she said then, “I trust you.”

“Let’s get out of here,” Louis said and squeezed her arm before they left the train. They walked to the underground where they took the next metro to the Vienesse shopping street. It wasn’t a long walk as soon as they got out of the tube that they reached the shop, but on the way there were met by more than one fan so it took a little longer.

Melanie’s eyes widened when the first girl said, “Oh my god are you Melanie!?” and Louis just squeezed her hand even though he didn’t understand the girl. The red haired girl by his side nodded shyly and looked up at Louis nervously in time with the other girl, who was rather excited though.

“Hey,” Louis said politely, causing the girl to almost freak out.

“Oh my god, I love you so much! I didn’t expect to see the two of you here! Have you gained your memory back, Melanie?”

Melanie’s eyes widened and she looked up at Louis without batting her lashes, expecting an answer from him. He shrugged and smiled a little at the girl, “No, she hasn’t really. Um, anyway. We’re in a bit of a hurry because she lives quite far from here so if you need anything…?”

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