Chapter 7- The Way I Am

Start from the beginning

I flicked the pen closed and laid down on the bed with my other hand under my head. I thought of Hailie and Alaina, eventually making my thoughts travel to Kim. We were finally married, and it felt so surreal. Not really, if you reflect on the fact we’ve been together for almost ten years now and that’s a fucking long time. I just hoped when I get back, she would not make me feel like complete shit or make me want to run away from her like she tends to do at times. Kim can be a real hard bitch sometimes. I guess I just want to see the look of happiness on her beautiful face along with the kids’ when I get back.

Get a grip, Marshall.

I propped myself up on my elbows and reached out to the bedside table, pulling out one of the drawers. A pouch of pills lay there, looking ready to be consumed. I thought Proof would share them with me, but it’s his fault for not being here. I don’t remember where I got the E from, but I did and nothing was gonna stop me from taking them now since I had no shows or interviews tomorrow.

I gulped one down and let my head plop on the pillow, then waited for it to kick in.

I went for a drive. I often went for drives in my hometown whenever I needed to think; I am always thinking up of lyrics, and while driving doing so is an alternative activity. But while I was high, and this much happy, I felt like being so fucking truthful; my mind wouldn’t work straight. And I couldn’t stop fucking whistling for once.

At a red light, I decided to let my window down. I wanted to do it; so I did it. I didn’t take into consideration that people around me might recognize me.

“Oh my fucking Gosh!” I snapped my head to the left and saw these two girls, wide and starry-eyed looking at me from their car. The girl by the window had seen me first, I assumed, as her exclamation had led the eyes of the girl behind the wheel fall on me. They were both pretty girls; one blonde and the other behind the wheel with dyed black hair. I smiled a little, hoping it’d make them happy as I was happy.

“Becky, oh my fuckin’ God it’s Eminem!” The black haired one screamed.

The blonde one leaned out of the window, pushing up her boobies against the sill. “I swear to fucking God, dude you fuckin’ rock! Please Marshall, please let me suck your cock!”

I arched one eyebrow at them both; first of all, they knew my motherfuckin’ first name? Second: whaaaaat?

Watching the signal go green, I screamed back, “Sorry, bitches. I would love for you to suck my cock and choke to death, cuz it’s so big… but my dick’s on strike today!” I throttled up the engine and sped off, before they had the chance to note my car no. or some shit.

Did I just witness two bitches who knew my first name asking to suck my cock?

I shook my head and squeezed open my eyes. When did I get this big, momma?

Wait. I didn’t need to ask her that.

I could probably ask Kim though, she would know how big I’d become. She’s been with me all the time. (A/N: He’s not thinking about his fame anymore- mind wanders)

Well, Marshall AKA Eminem AKA Slim Shady should ya be driving your ass around in a car while this high while you’re THIS hungry?

I stopped at a nearby restaurant in a quiet, closed off, secluded area. Great location, I thought, getting out of the car after parking. I flipped on the grey hoodie I had on, and hoped not many people would be hungry and here at this hour. I opened the entrance door, and like I expected, the place was a recluse. There were young people occupying tables, quite a few of them. But to avoid confrontation, I took a table at the corner. It was nonsensical how my mind was allowed to work like this, while I was on E. I guess, in other words, I’d gotten the hang of it.

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