Chapter 11

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        Few minutes later and Jessica had still not shown up, I was beginning to get a little restless and just wanted to feel the comfort of my bed. My eyes had gotten used to the poor lighting and I was able to make out some familiar people, most were students of Mayday high school while the rest were strangers to me.
The dance floor was filled with over excited and hormonal teenagers, grinding hard against each other, while some went straight to the point and were just plain making out. The sight made me want to puke. This clearly was not my place, I felt like I was in an entirely different planet preferably Mars since I was feeling slightly light headed.

The little drink I had poured out for myself was beginning to have its effect on me.

Not like this was my first time of taking alcohol, Pa kept a generous amount of it in the kitchen and once in a while I helped myself to it. But this brand seemed way stronger.

I had already turned down three dance invites and now I wished I hadn't, at least that would have kept me busy and I wouldn't be looking like a mice sitting in the midst of cats. I felt tiny and out of place, the over confident girls walking all over the place with baked faces and semi nude clothes were doing nothing to boost my confidence. I wished I had applied more make up but then I don't even have a complete make up set.

             My attention was held by a couple in the dance floor, the dark haired girl was effortlessly swaying her hips against the waist of a boy who didn't look as interested as he should be. From my angle I couldn't quite make out their facial features but I could tell they weren't students from my school. There was just something about Mayday students that makes it easy to point them out anywhere. Maybe it was just a touch or something I can't tell but seated here I can easily point out those that don't attend my school.

       The girl was now leaning against him, putting her cleavages on side display, she whispered something into his ear which apparently got the boys' attention and a slight smile tugged at the side of his lips. She grabbed his hand and was leading him out. I was contemplating on whether I should or shouldn't follow them.

Yea yea I know that's wrong or stupid, whatever you choose to label it but then I was really bored and they were a rather intriguing couple.

Just as I stood up having made up mind, three steps away from my seat and I felt a tap on my back.

"Can I help you?" I said turning to the boy, whom In my opinion looked quite naive and shy.

" mean, not me but your friend"

"Can you please speak and not squeak, I can barely make out what you are saying." I said.

"Your friend Jessica wants you to meet her outside," he replied sounding more composed. I narrowed my eyes at him "And why will Jess call me outside? we just arrived together minutes ago" I didn't trust this boy one bit.

"She is in trouble"

"What! What happened! We...I mean, I just saw her not long ago. What kind of trouble"

"Come and see"

With my heart pounding, I fell in steps behind him wondering what kind of trouble Jess could be in, I mean she was used to this sort of thing, party, so she could handle herself?

"Hey! stop, how did you know she was in trouble" by now we were out on the grounds of the main building, the sounds of the music were more of a background noise now. The boy was taking me round the corner of the house and they were few people hanging around, we just passed a group of boys sitting around a pot and was headed towards a secluded garden. This house was breathtakingly beautiful but the atmosphere was quite unnerving and I was beginning to get suspicious.

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