14. | The Lake

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Daryl watched as she danced in the lake, splashing the water around her. The warm summers sun shone brightly down on her, her bright copper hair shining, the water twinkling as she splashed it high in the air.

"Come on, Daryl," she called back to him. "Join me," she giggled.

Daryl snorted. "I don't want to get my hair wet," he joked.

She laughed. "Get in before I drag you in."

"Are you threatening me Mrs Dixon?" He asked as he stood up from the ground and began to step into the cool water.

She giggled. "Maybe," she said, waiting for him to get closer.

As Daryl stood just a few feet away, he watched as she began to grin. "Don't," he warned, knowing exactly what she was up to. "Don't," he repeated, but it was too late. A gush of water flew over his chest and head, soaking him even more than he already was.

Daryl shook his head from side to side quickly, shaking water all around.

She laughed, throwing her head back in amusement at his reaction.

"That's it," Daryl said, an evil glint in his eyes as he waded through the water towards her.

Her eyes went wide just seconds before Daryl got his revenge. He pushed at the water, soaking her.

Her hair was stuck to her face and the shirt that had only had a few drops of water on was completely soaked. "Pay back," Daryl grinned.

She just laughed. She loved when he was so carefree.


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