Gonna Love You Part 7

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25 minutes later

Demi & Joe put Ethan to bed, then they headed to the living room."So." They both said at the same time. Then they both laughed. "You first." Joe said. "Well, um a do you want to stay a bit Joe?"Demi said, as she looked down. He reached over & lifted up her face. "I'm sorry, Dems. You know for jumping to conclusions. You know you were right, at first. When I saw you with him, I did think that you were a...but you are not. You are the nicest, kind, caring woman I ever met before. You take all my crap that I give to you. Your smile, I love your smile. You make me go weak in the knees. I love the sound of your laugh."He said, as she slightly blushed. "Oh & woman the way your blush it just drive me nuts. I guess what I'm trying to say I am in love you Dems and I love you."

Demi smiled."I Um love you too Joe. Joe I need to tell you something." She said, as she took his hand & leaded him to the couch. They both sat down. She took a deep breath in then she let it out. "Joe, um a. Well Ethan he really isn't my son. As I said before. He is my sister's son. My sister Dallas is in the Army. But I have been with Ethan since he was born. Dallas, joined the Army when he was 2 years old. She wasn't suppose to get sent out of the country. But, they needed her, so she ended up going overseas. Dallas, hasn't seen him since then. I have full custody of him. He father wanted nothing to do with him. He signed over all rights to Dallas. I, well I am his guardian till she comes home. Also if anything happens to her, I will still be his guardian. She wants me to adopt him. He knows about her being away. He calls me mom, my sister is okay with that. We chat with her over skype sometimes. She is suppose to come state side soon. But till then, I am his mom. I just wanted you to know that. I had to leave today, cause some crazy man when to his school, with a gun. "She said, as some tears came.

"Oh, so that is why you were so worried. Demi you really should have told me about him. That is who is on your phone. That is why you were smiling because of him."Joe said, as he wrapped his arm around her. She leaned her head on his shoulder. Demi Giggled a bit. He felt her nod her head yes. "Yeah that is who I was looking at this morning. He is my world, I can imagine him not being in my life. Just like I can't imagine you being in my life. You make me happy & you make me laugh, just like He makes me laugh at what he says. I don't know where he gets it all from. You heard him."She said. "Yeah, I heard him. He seem like a great kid. He is lucky to have you in his life. You're a good mom, to him."Joe said. Joe leaned over & kissed her softly on the lips. She moaned a bit into the kiss. He smiled. They spent the next few hours talking until it was late at night. They both fell asleep on the couch in each others arm.

The next day

Demi opened her eyes, as she heard the doorbell ring. She jumped up, as she felt her pillow move. She over to see that it was Joe. He still had his arm around her. She smiled,as she got up. He moved slightly, she kiss him softly on the lips. He smiled as she got up, he sighed and turned over. She went to the Door. 5 minutes later Joe jumped up, as he heard a sobbing. He came to the door, she was on her knees. "Dems, Baby what is wrong?" He said, as he kneeled down beside her. She passed him a letter. He wrapped his arms around her, she wrapped her arms around him as she sobbed. The letter read. "Dallas Lovato Killed in action." Joe, hugged her tighter. He pulled back, as she did. "Dems Baby, you know you are not alone. I am here, I won't let got. I love you so much you know that. I wanna take care of you & him. I will learn to love him you know. Please baby, give us a chance we can be happy." He said, as she smiled a bit. "I will give us a chance. I love you too, so very much. I am so glad to have you in our lives now. I'm now his mom. Promise me you won't let me & him down." She said. "Baby you have my word. I won't let you down. I love you & I will love him the rest of your lives. You of are both my world now." He said, as she hugged him. "Okay Joe, I am going to hold you to that promise. But you need to make an honest woman out of me." She said, he chuckled softly. "Okay, then soon to be Mrs. Jonas & then our Son." She kissed him this time causing him to moan.

Joe never knew that his life would be changed the moment he met her. He knew though, that he was meant for her and she was meant for him. He fell for the moment she spilled coffee on him. She fell for the moment she saw him with his shirt off. They both knew that they would have a tough times, but they knew they would work it out together. Joe was had always wanted a son, and he couldn't wait to learn how to be a father. Their first challenge would to mend the heart of a little boy, who lost his mom. Joe looked at her, as she began to get up off the floor. Joe followed suit, he took her hands in his. He looked into her eyes and never felt what he felt with her. He had finally found his home, she wrapped her arms around him. She fit perfectly in his arms. This was her home.

The End

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