Gonna Love You Part 6

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Demi tightened her hold on Ethan. Her whole body, tensed up. The hair on her arms stood on end. Her heart was racing, she thought that the thumping of it would wake up Ethan. She heard, him he as he softly snored in her ear. She just kept walking. She could feel someone following her. "Demi Lovato?" The masculine voice say, as it got closer to her. The sun was just about gone now. "Dems, please stop. It is me Joe Jonas." He said, She stopped abruptly. He was walking fast to catch up to her. That he almost knocked her over, as he ran in the back of her. Her eyes when wide, as she thought that she was going to fall over. He reached out & steadied her. She sighed in relief. Then she turned around, her eyes were wide with fear. She shot him a glare.

"Owwww, geeze Dems. What was that for?" He said, as he rubbed his arm. She hit him in the arm with all her might. "Owwww. Gahh, I forgot that you worked out. I think I lost feeling in my hand. Please, keep your voice down too. He is asleep." She said, as she rubbed his back. Joe looked at her then at Ethan. He had a slight frown on his face. "So, are you going to answer my question what are doing." He said, as she adjusted the bag on her arm. Ethan slightly, moved in her arms." What do you think it looks like. I am going home, duhh. That is what people do, at the end of a long day." She said, as she began to walk.

"Um, no you don't?" He said, as he got in front of her. She raised an eyebrow at him."Oh, really why not? Last time I checked it was a free country. Now, move please. I need to get home, him home." Demi said, as she moved again. "NO." He said, in a tone that her eyes got big. Ethan moved again, he slightly whimper as he began to wake up. Demi shoot Joe at look. "Mommy?" He said, as he began to cry. Joe,eyes when wide as he heard Ethan call her moment. A pang of jealousy arose in him. He took a deep breath. "It's okay baby. I am here. I got you baby." She said, as she held on to her a little tighter."Thanks a lot Joe, now you woke him up."

"Look, I am sorry about that. But you are not going home, till you tell why you are walking at night with a kid. Why didn't you call me or someone else? I told you to call. Sometimes I think you don't even listen to me." Joe said, in a tone that was a little cold. Demi was a taken back a bit by his tone."My car wouldn't start okay. So it got towed to the shop. My phone it died, after I called for the tow truck. So I would have called, you don't need to get so snippy with me. There you happy now, although I shouldn't have to explain myself to you. Oh, by the way he is my Nephew. I can see what you are thinking. So, you just cool your jets there Mr. Jonas. I am not a s...... well you know what I mean. I am, not going to talk like that in front of him."Demi said. "Mommy, I wanna go home now." Ethan said, as he let out a sigh."Okay baby, we are going home now. Joe I will see you tomorrow." Demi said. Joe sighed, as he feel a weight lift.

"No, wait Dems. I a um, let me give you a ride home Please. I am sorry, I didn't mean to get so mad. Okay, I just well. I just don't want you to get hurt okay. I would be really very sad, if anything happened to you." He said, as he rubbed the back of his neck. She gave him a slight smile. "Okay, thanks. I really wasn't looking forward to walking home. I live at least 6 or more miles from here. I was going to walk, until I could get a cab. Ethan baby, this mommy's boss Joe." Demi said."Here Dems, let me take him to the car."Joe said, as she reached over to take him out of her arms. He began to cry. "Oh, it is okay baby. He is my friend he won't hurt you. He is going to take us home."Demi said, in a soothing voice. Joe's heart skipped a beat as she talked. Ethan went to Joe, he looked at him. "Do you like mommy?" He said, Joe was a surprise at the question. He feel a blush on his face. Demi giggled, a bit. "W...well, um a." Joe stuttered. "Do you love her?"He said, as he wrapped his arms around Joe's neck. They started to walk down to the car. "Um, I well." Joe said, "You don't talk much do you? Mommy is he a dummy?"Ethan said, as Joe softly laughed, along with Demi.

"Ethan, that is not nice to call people that. What did I tell you before?" Demi said, as she smiled. "Right sorry Mommy n Joe." Ethan said. Joe unlocked the car door. Demi opened the door back door. Joe seat Ethan in the back seat. He buckled him in the seat. Then he move the switch, so that the child safty lock was on. Then he locked the door. "Okay buddy watch your hands."Joe said. "What are they going to do a trick?" Ethan said, as Joe just laughed. Joe opened the other back & moved the switch. Then he got in the Driver's side. 

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