Gonna Love You Part 3

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Present time

Demi smiled, as she looked at her screen on her iPhone. The little face smiled back at her. "Soooo." His voice said. Demi squealed, as she put her hand over her heart. "Oh, my goodness, Joeeee. You scared me, give a body some warning next time. I almost had a heart attack."Demi said, as sighed. Joe chuckled softly. "Oh, don't worry Dems I would have done mouth to mouth. You know if the situation called for it." Joe said, as he winked at her. Demi gasped, as her cheeks turned a shade of pink. Joe smiled, he liked it when she blushed. That is why he teased her so. They both had been flirting & sometimes bickering back in forth, since she started to work in the office. "Well Dem, if you were paying better attention you would have known I have been watching you for the past 5 minutes. Just what are looking at your phone? What could be so interesting that you like blocked everything around you out?" Joe said, as he leaned against the desk.

She gave him a looked, then she bit her lip. Her heart was still beating really fast. Her heart has been doing that lately whenever he was near her. She shrugged her shoulder, then she smiled. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know what I am looking at. Sorry, but I'm not telling you. What a woman gets sent to her, is private you know." Demi said, as she poked him in the chest. Joe raised an eyebrow at her. "I see how you are, not going to tell me uh? I bet it is nothing that you were looking at. I bet that you're just doing that to keep the mystery alive. I know women. I have been around them to know enough, how they're silly little minds work." He said, as she gave him a exasperated look as she shook her head. "You know maybe you are right. Maybe I am trying to keep the mystery alive. Although you will never know, now will you. I too have been around men & I know how their big ego works & their heads get all big. You Mr. Jonas are what we women & our silly little minds, call a player." Demi said.

Joe gasped, now as he shook his head at her."Ouch, dang Dem. That hurt, that cut me deep." He place his hand on his heart, Demi giggled, as she shook her head. "I'm so not a player. But, just to clear the air, I was at one time a player. That however was when I was in highschool. I'm a changed man. You know ever since the say you just breezed into this office. You have changed me for the good. " He said, in a serious tone. Demi looked at him giving him look. She wasn't sure if as just being very sarcastic, or if he was serious. She was about to ask him, then the phone rang. He moved out of the way, as she reached her hand over to get the phone. "Hey Dem watch the goods." He said, with a smirk. She shook her head, but she smiled, as she rolled her eyes. "Hello, this is Jonas Management, how may I help you. Yeah, this is Miss Lovato. Selena?" Demi said, as her smiled faded, it was now replace with worried look. Her eyes got big, as she took a deep breath in.

Joe looked at her as her face changed. He had never seen her like that before. He stood up straight now. He could tell, that she wanted to cry. She was trying to hold back. She nodded her head, as she listen to the voice on the other end. "Okay, sure yes. I will be right there. I'm on my way now. Thanks." She said, then she hung up the phone. She reached down & pulled the bottom drawer to her open on the desk. She pulled out her purse & dug for her keys. Joe looked at her wait to see if she would say what was going on. "Joe, I need to go now. I have a family emergency. Um, is that okay." Demi said. "Sure, but Demi didn't you tell me that you don't have a family. You said, that your mom & dad passed away a few years ago."Joe said. "Yeah, I know I said that but. But I can't explain it just now. It is really a long story. I have to go,  that was my friend Selena." Demi said, as she took a very deep breath in.

Demi, gave him a weak smile. As she walked past him. He reached out & grabbed her wrist she stopped & gave him a question looking. He gave her slight smile. Then he leaned over & whispered in her ear. "Dems, call if you need anything. I'm here you know. You can count on me." He said, her knees when a little weak. Her heart raced again. She could smell his cologne. She sighed inwardly, she loved the way he smelled. A shiver ran through her body, as she felt his hot breath on her neck. Demi smiled back at him as he pulled back. "Thanks Joseph." She said, in a soft voice. Then she leaned up & kissed him softly on the cheek. Joe's eyes got big, then he smiled big. He swallow, his Adam's apple bobbed in his throat. His heart rate went sky high. He could smell her perfume, it smelled like roses. He could also smell her Cherry Chapstick, the she had on. He groaned inwardly, she was driving him nuts. 

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