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Dedicated to vasantaah. A friend who is very good. Go follow her.

Paaru is the heroine.

Paaru's POV

I woke from the sound which was very irritating it's nothing but my mom and dad's fighting . I got fed up with it. I saw the time it's 6 and today is Sunday so no college.

I always want some extra classes on Sunday's so that I can run away from all these fights and sleepless nights. My sister she's snoring as if she's in heaven and I feel the house itself like hell.

My grandparents also stay with us and they pour oil when my mom and dad's fighting. I feel like beating each and everyone. I am a peace loving person so the only place I like in my house was terrace. It's a heaven for me where I spend most of the time.

I never had friends in my life because everyone knew about family and they always tease me but I become deaf. Some of them were little caring when the other group was scolding me but I never entertained them.

I am a topper. And my favorite subject was botany. I have so much interest in reading about plants and animals. I want to become a doctor and go back to a rural area leaving this hell. For that to happen it'll take ages.h

Again thinking all those things I woke up 12 no one woke me up. Because I rarely sleep that much late which means I am very much stressed and need some rest. No matter what but I love my mom. Day and night even if she fight with dad , but still she goes to job and handles the home. And what not? I really appreciate my mom in that aspect he probably name is Parvati and dad's name is Prasad.

I took a bath and ate my lunch. I want some glossaries so I took my bag and left my home. I said  bye to my mom and dad went out on some work.


Very short part I know, I'll update the next one little bit enjoyable.

As Never Leave my Hand is completed I started writing this one. I hope you'll liked it.

It's a very sad story and at the same till you'll enjoy.

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