A Night To Remember

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The tracking went on for most of the afternoon. At about 5, we called it a day and went to get fast food. It happened to be McDonald's, and until now I'd forgotten about lunch. I ordered some chips to eat in the truck, and was halfway across the car park when I reached into my pocket and found a piece of paper.

Obviously curiosity got the better of me and I decided to read it there and then. It read:

"I'm taking you out for late night shopping. You can have a shower at my apartment then we're going out. Be ready at 7. Oli :)" I smiled, and carried on to the van.

Oli was waiting in the driver seat. He saw the note in my hand and smiled. "I've got you a change of clothes by the way." We drove over to his apartment. I don't know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't what I saw. I guess I was expecting a big, posh sorta theme, but what met my eyes was a small, cosy place. I definitely preferred this. There was a room with a sofa and a tv, and a table by one of the walls. There was a kitchen around the corner.

I followed him down a small corridor to the bedroom. It wasn't exactly big, but it didn't need to be. I saw another door leading off from it which I guessed was the bathroom.

"You can have a shower if you want, I bought you some clothes earlier that you can change into if you like." He nodded, then walked off down the hall, leaving me alone in the bedroom. Locking myself in the bathroom, I turned on the shower, enjoying the rush of cold water on my skin. I took the opportunity to take a breather. I was in Oli Sykes' bathroom. Oli Sykes was taking me shopping. I'd tracked guitar for Bring Me The Horizon. And none of this would have happened if I hadn't have gone out for a walk on that one afternoon.

After turning off the shower and wrapping myself in a towel, I opened the door to the bedroom and noticed an outfit laid out on the bed. Curious to see what he'd picked out for me, I took a look at the clothes. There were some black skinny jeans with rips down the legs, a white crop top and a drop dead hoodie. Of course, I laughed to myself. Bless, he'd even got me underwear, I noticed as I changed into the clothes. They fit perfectly. The hoodie was a little baggy, but I preferred it that way.

I wandered down the corridor to find Oli watching tv. He turned round when he heard me and smiled. "I made the right choice with the clothes then?" "Yes you did," I said. "So where are you planning on taking me then?" He got to his feet and escorted me to the door. "It's a surprise."

We got in the truck and drove across town. He pulled up outside a co op. "First, we need snacks." I tried not to laugh as I watched him practically run around the shop, throwing things into a basket. There were a couple of glances in our direction, but luckily no one noticed Oli. Afterwards, we got back into the truck and drove towards the city centre.

After a while of searching for a car park that was actually open, we parked up and made our way into town. "There's a midsummer firework display on tonight. That's kind of the main reason why I bought you here." he said. We visited a couple of shops, but we mainly just walked the streets, laughing and joking.

When it started to get dark, we made our way to the park. It was very similar to the park back in my town, and the thought of this gave me an odd sense of security. The fireworks started, and the sky was lit up. It was beautiful, and I wished it would never end. Obviously it did, but the night didn't end there.

After a long walk back to the truck, we headed to the edge of town. Oli drove up a hill track, and parked up at the top. "Welcome to my favourite place." I took his hand and we made our way over to a grassy verge with an amazing view. I could see all over the city; now that it was dark, lights illuminated the skyline. I couldn't help feeling goosebumps. I just stood on the verge, taking in the view. I only snapped out of it when I felt his arms wrap around me. "It's pretty isn't it?" I nodded.

We sat down and stayed looking at the horizon. Oli had his arm around me and I couldn't help but smell his aftershave. I nuzzled into him and he wrapped his other arm around me. This was definitely going down as the best night ever.

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