No Escape

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I slowly came around. I was in a small room, lying on the floor. My instinct was to get out but as I expected, the door was locked. There were no windows either, just a dim lightbulb that lit up the middle of the room. I felt the familiar lump form in my throat as realisation dawned on me. I wasn't going home any time soon.

I began to sob. The tears flowed and flowed as I thought of my mum at home, worrying, scared to death about where I was. I put my head in my hands and sat there, just crying and crying. I only stopped when Lee came through the door and my sadness was replaced with fear.

I heard the door slam. Words could not describe how intimidated I felt as he towered over me. Wiping away the tears from my glowing cheeks, I found the courage to ask him a question.

"Why did you bring me here?"

He stepped closer. "Isn't it obvious? You heard our conversation. We couldn't risk you telling anyone. So we made you disappear."

I shivered with fear. "When will I go home?" The image of my mum came into my head.

"We don't know. Not for a while." I gulped. I noticed he'd left the key in the door; for the first time since all of this happened, I felt a sense of confidence welling up inside me. I acted on it.

"You can all go to hell, you won't keep me here!" I shouted, and made a break for the door. A tiny part of me knew I wouldn't make it, but I tried anyway. He grabbed me and wrestled me to the floor. I started screaming, hoping that someone, anyone would hear me and help. I suddenly felt a slap across my face.

"Shut up!" Lee was punching me in the stomach and face, and the pain shot through my core. I struggled, but I couldn't break free of his grasp. However, I heard a banging on the door.

"Lee! What's going on in there? LEE!" The banging continued, but Lee didn't stop punching. There was a snap and Oli ran through the broken door, trying to get Lee to calm down.

"What are you playing at, Lee? As if we aren't in enough shit already!" Oli shouted.

"I was just showing her who's boss around here." Lee said calmly, before storming out. I was tempted to make a run for it as the door was open, but for some reason decided against it. I had hardly any energy left, and I could already feel the blood starting to trickle down my face. Dabbing at it with my sleeve, I realised Oli was standing over me. Bracing myself for the worst, I was instead faced with something different.

He crouched down to my level. "For the record, I don't agree with what Lee did." I felt his hand slide round my neck and all of a sudden I felt his lips touch mine in a gentle kiss. I was completely stunned; I just stared at him. All he did was smirk, then got up and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I was left to come to terms with the fact that I'd just been kissed.

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