The Start Of The Dream

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I sauntered over to the guitars on the other side of the room, as Oli watched me intently.

"Oh, so you play guitar?"

"You bet I do. Pick a random song. Rules are, it's gotta be from an alternative band."

"Ummm okay, Falling in Reverse, I'm Not A Vampire." He proceeded to play it out of the speakers. I picked up one of the guitars, quickly made sure it was in the right tune, and started playing. I zoned out of my surroundings when I played, and concentrated on the rhythm. I knew Oli didn't expect me to play the solos, but he was wrong. The room rang out with the sound of pure, raw guitar. As the song ended, I looked up at Oli, eager to see what he thought.

A shocked face met mine.

"That was fucking amazing! When did you learn to play like that?" he said, smiling like mad.

"Oh I just kind of teach myself off the internet and stuff." I blushed.

He shook his head in disbelief, and brought me into a massive bear hug. "You're amazing at guitar, do you hear me? You need to be recording that shit, making your own demos. You'd sell tonnes of copies." I'd never really thought about doing that before, but now he'd mentioned it I was eager to.

"Hey, I've got the greatest idea." He looked deep in thought as he walked over to the control desk. I was puzzled.

"How would you like to track some guitar for the new album?"

My jaw dropped. A strange new feeling of excitement filled me - one I hadn't felt for a while. "I'd love to!" I said. He smiled, and brought out a couple of sheets of paper.

"These are some notes for how the guitar is going to sound like. Now this is highly confidential information, so if you tell anyone about this before the release I'm going to have to kill you." He laughed when he saw my scared face. "I'm only joking, don't panic. Now these are only a rough guide, so you'll have to improvise slightly." He handed me the sheets and I scanned over them quickly before heading into the booth, holding the guitar.

The next half an hour was one I'll remember for a long time. It was my lifelong dream to be in a recording booth, and this was the real deal; but what made it even more special was that I was being "coached" by none other than Oli Sykes. I still couldn't quite believe what was happening, but that was at the back of my mind as I concentrated on playing guitar.

A good hour must have passed before the other members of the band and the producer turned up. I was in the middle of a song, so I didn't even realise they had arrived until I looked up for Oli's approval and saw five other faces staring back at me. Everyone looked shocked, apart from Oli who of course just smiled.

I came out of the booth for a breather and was bombarded with questions. "Where did you learn to play like that?" "What's going on?" "How are you so good?" I got flustered and Oli had to step in.

"I disovered that Shan can play guitar. Really well. So, I've decided she can track some guitar for the album." With this piece of news, the questions stopped. I was still wary that I wasn't welcomed into the group, but I pushed the thought to the back of my mind.

Weirdly, the only thing I could think about in that moment was Oli's kiss.

Life Changes (Bring Me The Horizon fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora