Chapter one

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Michael heads along down the side walk not fully sure where he is heading right now but it doesn't matter

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Michael heads along down the side walk not fully sure where he is heading right now but it doesn't matter. He keeps walking and glances away to the road to his left only to end up accidentally walking into someone else not paying attention.


Gavin sits on the floor staring at the mirror. "It's been six months..." He speaks even though he's alone. "Why haven't you come back? Why haven't you come home?" He wants to just run into the mirror and try to find the other but he doesn't want to run the risk of something bad happening... Something that might end up hurting Michael... Or anyone else that he cares for.

They have been doing what they can to keep everything alright here so when Michael returns he can return like nothing even happened.


Michael takes a few steps back turning to look to the person that he had just ran into. "Oh my God! I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going. I really wasn't paying attention...." He trails off as his eyes come to land upon no one other than Vav who is in his costume and all.

"It's ok." Vav says with an assuring smile. "Guess I should have paid attention as well." He waves it off. "You okay?"

Michael finds himself suddenly unsure how to react right now as he watches Vav. He just nods softly not sure he even knows where his voice is at this moment.

"That's good." Vav says then he pauses after that.

Michael blinks and meets Vav's eyes at this pause to see the other looking at him almost as if realizing something and analyzing it with only his eyes.

Vav speaks after the pause of silence for a few seconds. "Your freckles are so cute!" He says with a look of looking at something adorable as he raises one hand to point to Michaels face keeping his finger below nose level.

Michaels cheeks turn pink at the compliment on a feature of his face usually visible in the right kind of lightning since it's a subtle feature. "Thank you." He says in response glad that he still has his voice or at least it came back from wherever it ran off to.

"Say. What's your name?" Vav asks tilting his head softly in a questioningly way. "I don't think I've seen you around before."

"Michael. My name is Michael." Michael introduces himself as he tries to smile softly at the other almost coming off as shy.

"Nice to meet you. You can call me Vav. We can be friends!" Vav responds with a happy smile. "Say how about we go for a walk or something?"

Michael blinks at the other. "We?" He questions in uncertainty.

"Mhm." Vav nods then reaches over gently taking Michaels wrist his smile is unwavering. "We're friends now! Come on." He turns and begins to lead the other to somewhere as Michael follows slightly stumbling after the other at first.

Soon they are walking side by side with Vav no longer holding Michaels wrist so their arms are at their sides.

Michael is looking around himself as they walk and Vav turns to look to him still smiling.

"What's up?" Vav questions him. "Something bothering you?"

"I've never been here before." Michael admits turning to look to the other. "That's all."

"That's ok. Not everyone's been everywhere." Vav assures Michael patting him on his shoulder in assurance.

"True." Michael says in agreement with a soft smile. "So you're a super hero?" He asks as if to change the topic.

"Yup. Me and X-ray fight crime and everything." Vav confirms with a nod as he brings his hand back to his side.

"Ah I see." Michael nods in understanding.

"You almost sound like you didn't know that." Vav says glancing to him meeting his eyes.

"Well I had an idea about it but I don't have any friends. I don't usually socialize." Michael responds watching the others eyes.

"Well that's depressing." Vav says with a slight frown upon hearing this and Michael glances away with a slight frown of his own. He stops suddenly and Michael notices after a few steps so he stops as well only to turn around looking back to the male he is now facing. He sees a worried look and he gives a smile to the other to try to bring up his mood.

"Hey we should hang out more from now on." Vav says with his eyes shinning hopefully and a hopeful smile spreads across his face.

Michael blinks at him in surprise.

"I mean. You're my friend now after all." Vav tells him still smiling.

Michael smiles at this. "Thank you Vav." He says gratefully.

Vav grins in response to his offer. "I'm glad you agree!"

Suddenly X-ray comes over to them causing them to turn to hm.

"Vav! I found you! There's a bandit on north street! We gotta go!" X-ray says then he looks to Michael as he notices him standing there. "Who is that?" He questions tilting his head questioningly at the unfamiliar face.

"Micool. He's my friend." Vav explains with a happy tone.

"For how long?" X-ray asks raising an eyebrow at his own friend Vav.

"It started today." Vav responds to inform X-ray of this fact.

"Ah." X-ray nods in understanding. "Well we gotta go."

Vav nods then turns back to Michael. "Micool. Meet me back where we ran into each other for four tomorrow." He says. "We will hang out more then." He then rushes off after X-ray as they head off to do what it is that they do.

Michael watches them go slightly thoughtful. He shakes his head once they're gone then turns and heads off deciding to head to where he calls home currently. He climbs up into his tree house since finding work with no way to print a resume isn't easy. He knows how to build tree houses since he did it himself when he was younger learning quickly. He settles himself on the floor and leans against the wall. "Maybe... Maybe I might not fuck up this time..." He mummers to himself. "Maybe... It won't be the same if I start a new..." He tilts his head back with a sigh causing his head to bonk against the wall. He stays there thinking for a bit then decides to see what he has to eat currently; which is mostly what he could get from trees or with some money he finds abandoned on the ground. He eats, thinks some more then heads to go to bed when it becomes late.

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