Chapter two

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Michael heads to go to the place where he'll be meeting up with Vav

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Michael heads to go to the place where he'll be meeting up with Vav. He thinks long and hard on the way there about what he's doing. He blinks snapping out of his thoughts as he reaches his destination. He glances around not seeing Vav quite yet so he leans against a nearby wall to wait. He finds that he doesn't need to wait long as Vav comes over to him not taking long at all. He smiles and turns to greet the other. "Greetings."

"Hello Micool." Vav says smiling happily. "You ready?"

"Yup." Michael nods and Vav takes the lead as they begin to walk side by side.

"I'm glad that you did actually meet me." Vav says. "I think it's unfair that you don't have any friends. So now you do. And I'm sure X-ray would be happy to call you his friend too." His eyes sparkle as he gets an idea. "Maybe sometime I can introduce you to all of my friends!"

"That would be interesting." Michael comments figuring that maybe this time... Just maybe...

"So. What do you do for work?" Vav suddenly asks making Michael pause though he makes sure to still be walking with Vav.

"Well truth be told... I don't work anywhere." Michael admits.

Vav blinks in surprise. "Oh? Do you live on your own?"

"Yup." Michael confirms. "As best as I can."

Vav seems to pause but they still are walking. "Do you mind if I ask where you live?"

Michael glances to Vav before glancing away. "I live in a treehouse." He admits. "It's what I had to do since I had to make do with what I could. Luckily I found an abandoned shed with tools allowing me to build it myself."

"Do you mind showing me? Also have you met Mogar yet?" Vav questions.

"I guess so." Michael agrees. "And no I haven't. Though doesn't he protect the forest? I mean if I'm not a threat then would he bother me?" He asks remembering the X-ray and Vav show back in his home world.

"Hm I guess that's true." Vav says a little thoughtfully. "You heard rumours?"

"Well I do know some things but not everything." Michael says picking his words carefully.

Vav nods. "I guess people would be talking about it even if you're just passing by you probably heard."

Michael nods.

"Well let's go see where you live." Vav says giving a grin to Michael.

"Ok." Michael takes the lead and takes Vav to his place as they make idle chit chat about mostly whatever comes to mind.

They arrive and Michael looks up.

"Here it is."

Vav looks up to the treehouse that Michael calls home. "It looks homey."

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