Chapter 5

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Hello readers! Sorry for the long wait. I've just been really busy :(

Hope you like this chapter and remember to comment!

Note: This chapter is not edited.



With a mournful expression, she looked back at the exit and almost had a heart attack. The angel, ‘Adams’, just walked in. She quickly turned around and felt her palms immediately begin to sweat. Taking another peek at the man from the corner of her eyes, Emily’s heart nearly gave this time since he was now looking straight at her. Hyperventilating, she saw him take a step towards her and walk in her direction.

 Looking between the people at the café table and the angelic man walking towards her, Emily felt like melting to the floor and spending a meaningless life on the tiles.

 Oh god! Why do I keep digging myself these holes that I can’t seem to climb out off?


 Chapter 5

 I shouldn’t have woken up today. I should have just stayed asleep for the next hundred years.

 It was almost a sensory overload. Between the unexplained palm-sweating-heart-pounding-blood-rushing-to-her-head anxiety of the Adonis walking her way and the general discomfort from the crowd at the table it was almost too much.

 Her breath was starting to come out really fast and she was starting to feel unhinged. It felt as if her body had internal fireworks going off inside and at any minute her limbs would start flying in different directions! With the internal tug-of-war, her mind was already running a mile a minute, thoughts flying through at an amazing speed – too fast for her to actually comprehend them. Since breathing through her nose no longer gave her enough oxygen, she started using her mouth too. Taking large gulps of unsatisfying air, she fleetingly wondered if this was how a fish out of water felt as well.

 Emily didn’t know when she had stood up, upsetting her chair to falling on the floor, but she was now standing hunched over the table, holding the corners of it in a death grip. As if loosing hold of the table would have her slip from reality itself.

 She felt hands rubbing her back and vaguely registered the voices calling her, talking to her worriedly. But Emily was far too busy analyzing the dark spots that seemed to flitter across her vision. Her heart was beating painfully fast and she felt its pounding in her head, making it feel five times its weight. No longer able to bare the weight of her head, she let it drop and it uselessly rolled on her neck and onto her left shoulder.

 She could somewhat feel the people at the table panicking and not knowing what to do other than talk to her, try to soothe her and bring her back from wherever she had gone off too. But they didn’t realize that Emily was now far too gone and whatever had taken hold of her would now run its full course.

 Those small flying black dots were now large stable black craters that diminished Emily’s vision. Emily felt herself begin to slip. So strange, she vaguely thought as she reached out her arm. It was as if she stood straight but the surroundings themselves were tilting sideways.

Stuuuuupidd. The word sounded slow and sluggish in her mind.

 Emily felt a little hysterical. She may have giggled but she couldn’t be sure. When those black craters finally filled her vision completely, she waited for the feel of the floor that was rushing up at her in mach speed. The last thing she remembered was the feel of big strong arms wrapping around her middle from the back, holding her up. And she was out like a light.

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