Chapter 1

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This chapter is pretty short but it's just an opening. Please give the story a chance and read at least a couple chapters before you judge. It gets better. Promise ^^

 Next chapter will be longer :)


Chapter 1

Pushing her glasses further up her nose, Emily got out of her brother’s black Hummer. She was fidgeting and fiddling with the straps of her backpack when she felt a tug on her hand. Looking down her left, she noticed that her brother, Alex, had leaned over the passenger side and was grasping her hand through the window.

 “You’ll be fine. No one will hurt you,” Alex said, his blue eyes so similar her own were peering up at her with encouragement, “just don’t be so nervous. And please, try and make friends.”

 Nervous? I’m nervous? Like hell I am! I’m terrified! No matter Emily’s internal thoughts, outwardly she dully nodded to her brother and gave a weak smile. “I’ll try, but no promises.”

 Her brother gave her a returning smile, “that’s all I ask Ems. That you at least try.

 With that he took back his hand and giving her a small wave, reversed the car out of the parking space and drove out of the packed parking lot.

 Now that Emily was alone, her terror increased. Terror? Nervousness? These words weren’t even in her vocabulary two years ago. Two years ago she was confident, fearless and alive. Not anymore though. Now she was just living – a big difference.

 Gripping the straps of her backpack tighter she turned around and joined the throng of people moving towards the looming structure that housed scholars, future Nobel laureates, past Nobel laureates, the occasional cheerleaders, jocks, procrastinators, and more. That’s right; it was Emily’s first day at university.

 Being jostled around in the crowd, she gritted her teeth almost painfully. Emily didn’t like being touched by people; hell, she didn’t even like people anymore!

She was soon weaving through the crowd like water, easily avoiding the occasional hand or foot thrown her way. If anyone took a second look at her, they would have noted her grace, despite her oversized clothes and face half hidden by chocolate brown hair. But not many ever do take a second look at her anymore. She was like a ghost. She was hidden and unnoticed, just the way Emily liked it.

 Looking around, Emily rolled her eyes. “Wow. A larger version of high school,” she muttered.

 There was a group of people of guys and girls, poring over textbooks that were obviously brand new and this was only the first day of classes. The “nerds”. Looking over to the main gates, she saw a bunch of guys having fun, sliding down the rails or jumping over the stairs on their skateboards. The “skaters”. Further over on the right she saw a small group of girls, either overly tanned or with overly bleached hair in tight clothes. Must be part of the “populars”. They were looking over and batting their eyes and giggling at a group of guys obviously belonging in the “jock” category.

 Sighing, Emily thought that she would encounter more maturity in university. Guess she was wrong after looking at the cliques. Looking straight ahead and ignoring everyone around her, she determinedly walked towards the main doors.

 As she reached the handles, she heard laughter coming from the jocks. But it was a certain laugh that rooted her to where she stood. It was deep and melodious and moved through her body in a warm rush. That laugh was so masculine, it made her shiver. Emily didn’t dare look back to find its source. Gripping the handles tighter she pulled open the doors and walked in.    

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