Chapter 4

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Hello readers!

I'm really sorry for being such an update retard. University is literally using me as a chew toy. And after being chewed on and slobbered upon, I'm beat! -_-;;

I'll update at least once a week though (hopefully) =)

I would also like to thank all those who have read, voted, commented and even fanned. You guys are awesome! ^^

So on with the chapter!

Note: This chapter isn't edited, so you'll probably find mistakes.



Remembering her now, how she stuttered, how she seemed to stall in looking at him, how she would bite her lips, he couldn’t help but think she was kind of cute. Like a kitten.

 Law raised his brows. Cute? His eyes turned shrewd and his lips turned up in a little smirk. Hmm. Maybe she’ll make things a bit interesting.

 “Ok, you are smiling.”

 This time Law didn’t deny what Luke said.

 “Yeah, guess I am.”

Chapter 4

 She was numb. It was as if she had lost every one of her senses and just floated in space. She didn’t know how long she had been there and since there were no windows, Emily couldn’t even try to keep track of when the day melted into night. The only source of light in the musty wooden room was the single oil lamp in the far left corner. Sometimes, she would feel the brush of furry bodies skittering around and could even at times feel tiny damp noses sniffing curiously at her useless limbs. Emily was already past the point of caring but somewhere in the far recesses of her mind, something cringed at the thought of rats.

 Sometimes, Emily would forget and try to dumbly move her arms but the answering biting pain would remind her of her bound wrists. The ropes were dry and blood encrusted and attached to a hook in the wall behind her. The skin around the ropes was blistered and itchy but she had no way of relieving that discomfort. Her left leg was in an iron shackle, its two meter long chain also attached behind her and to the floor. The throbbing pain from her right leg reminded Emily of her shattered right foot with two broken toes. The pain was excruciating, but in Emily’s numb state, all she felt was a dull throb.

 She remembered him crying when he broke the first toe. He kept saying how sorry he was for doing it but he had to, since Emily wouldn’t listen. She would cry and plead him not to do it, to let her go but he would only cry and shake his head. Then she would get angry, Emily was a fighter after all, and yell at him, even spit his way. Then he broke it, her big toe. She remembered the pain, both in her foot and in her heart. More than fearing for her life, she feared for her ability to dance again.  

 When he broke the second toe, he was angry. Angry at her for making him do it. All because she wouldn’t listen to him, would keep telling him to let her go. In return, he would accuse her of not knowing how much he needed her. He would hit her, slap her hard and as always, after every abuse, he would become shocked and weep over what he did to her. He would pet her hair, rub her cheeks, dry her tears and say over and over again how sorry he was.

 She never saw his face. He would always come into the room wearing a cat mask. However, she would always remember his eyes. In the light of the oil lamp, it was hard to say the color but Emily would imagine them to resemble storm clouds. They would have been beautiful, they should have been beautiful but to Emily, they only looked demented.

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