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Kenyana " Miz TwerkIt " Richardson

sat in my apartment thinking about how dirty life did me. Nobody loves me and I have no one to love. I sighed and looked at my iPhone 5s. My best friend ever, Khadija had texted me, asking if I wanted to go to the mall with her. I texted back, saying yes.

Running upstairs, I took off my clothes and hopped in the shower. I scrubbed off the sex and sweat from my body and hopped out the shower. I wrapped the towel around my petite frame and stood in front of the mirror. My jet black curly hair dripped onto my medium brown skin. I unwrapped my towel and my D-cups came into view. My wide hips and thick thighs. My full behind. My appearance was perfect, yet I can't love the face I see in the mirror.

Why must I sell my body to live from day to day? I feel ashamed.

I hurried to my bedroom and lotioned with the Carried Away scent from Bath and Body Works. I went through my closet and picked out the perfect outfit. I picked a black crop top from Topshop, skinny camo jeans, and burgundy Creepers. I put gel in my hair to keep it curly and pulled an LA Hearts CA Bear beanie over it. I put a gold chain around my neck and smothered my lips with black plum lipstick. I put on black eyeliner and vintage shades. 

I Instgrammed my outfit and walked down the steps. Khadija honked outside and I ran into her car. 

"Hey girrrrrlllllll!" I screamed.

"B'tch shut the f'ck up!" she yelled. 

I laughed. "Love you too!"

"So what's poppin with you boo?" she asked. 

I stopped smiling. I couldn't let her know that I slept with people and took they money. See, she knew about me being a stripper, but she would skin my 'ss alive if she found out I slept around.

"Nothing", I lied.

She nodded and turned up Drake's The Language. That song was my sh't! 

We pulled up to the mall and got out. The mall was like my candy store. I ran into Forever 21 and picked up every Mickey item I saw. Mickey Mouse is my baby, f'ck that snaggletooth b'tch he call a girlfriend.

After picking a new pair of Louboutins, we went to the food court and got some Chick-Fil-A.

"So, when you gon' quit Club Silver?" she asked. 

I took a swig of my Pepsi. "When I can pay for college and get a good job."

"But you're so much better than that club!" she exclaimed. 

" I know, but I need the money," I sighed.

She nodded again and we ate lunch in silence. She dropped me off without a word and drove off. 

I ran upstairs and jumped on my bed and cried.

I disappoint everyone I love...

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