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My plan went out the window the moment my eyes met his, I just didn't know it then. I thought I could keep going. I thought that it wouldn't change anything. He was a stranger. I had no connection to him whatsoever. But even the smallest of things can be what turns your whole world around. To me that was him. It just took me some time to figure that out. After I met him, nothing would ever be the same again. 

And now I certainly know that sometimes the aftertaste lingers just a bit longer than you first expected it to.

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A/N :  New story, hope you like it. If not, please don't be rude about it. 

Don't steal my story, it's illegal take something and claim it as your own. So don't do it. It's my story, my words, my ideas. I do admit to taking inspiration from other stories concerning the most basic thing about the plot but I have made it my own and not copied. 

I really hope you'll like the story. I am aware that it will sound very cliché and sappy, and that the plot will have you believe you have the whole story figured out, but I plan on going in an other direction than other stories with simular plot. Don't judge it by it's cover, don't knock it until you try it, and all that. 

Thanks for giving it a chance. xx.

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