Blood Trade : Chapter 27

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Aura still couldn't wrap her mind around it, around this massive piece of information that was about to wreak havoc in the vampire world once the secret was out. What would they say? Would the Elders shun him for doing the unthinkable? As far as she was aware, no vampire could exchange blood with a human without their consent and without them knowing their true identity. It was believed to be treason, a breach of authority. And he had gone and done just that.

Even if he was young and had been fascinated by Maria decades ago, it still didn't give him the rights to violate her without even warning her of what he truly was. And to think she looked up to him for guidance and advice.

'Damn you! Valentino!' Aura cursed under her breath and crushed the paper in her hand. Her hands balled into fists and she thrust the painting into the inner pockets of her coat. She needed to have a serious talk with that good-for-nothing vampire right now.

'What are you doing? Give me back my painting!' Maria cried as she caught hold of Aura's fist and tried to pull the paper out of her pockets. But the vampire was too strong for her and the old lady could do nothing but hit against the vice-like grip that Aura had on her wrist.

Aura made an effort to be as gentle as possible and pushed Maria away from herself. Unfortunately for her the old woman was persistent and kept lunging back, trying to take the piece of paper that was sticking out from her inside pocket. How had she noticed Aura's sly actions she didn't know? She was sure she was extremely quiet when she had hidden the paper in her coat, but maybe Aura wasn't quiet enough to slip past the widow's attention. Now, she was caught between a futile fight with a lady who was well over her age and was still fighting her to get the painting of the traitor who had ruined her life.

'Oh my...' Maria suddenly gasped and stopped struggling against Aura's hold on her hand.

The vampire quickly snapped her head in her direction wondering what had gone wrong this time. The old lady was standing in front of her with her mouth open in a small 'o'. Her milky eyes were staring at the hand that was clasped on her wrist and back to her face, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Aura raised an eyebrow at the strange behavior, thinking Maria had finally lost her head over Valentino and had failed to recognize her again. But then she whispered those words and Aura's world started spinning.

'You're cold...very cold, just like him.' Maria whispered and her fingers brushed against Aura's hand that was still wrapped around her wrist.


Aura's eyes travelled down to where her bare, pale hand had taken hold of Maria's wrist, her fingers digging into the old flesh and leaving dark prints on it. In her haste to stop Maria from reaching the painting which she had stolen from her, Aura had used her bare hand to stop her advances and it had caused Maria to halt immediately.

Now they both stood in silence, with Aura cursing her own stupidity and Maria staring at her with curious eyes. She knew what was going on in Maria's mind and knew her act was over and the cover blown away. Even if she was old, the lady would definitely add the two events together and reach the conclusion of who she was...what she was.

'You are one of are like him. Aren't you?' Maria whispered again. This time she braved her fear and stepped closer to Aura, peering at her with her poor eyes. Aura watched the wheels turn in her mind and the old lady pondered on what to do next.

Before the vampire could step back or make a run for the door and escape the interrogation, Maria grabbed her arms.

'Where is he? Where is that man? You know him don't you? Tell me! Where is he?'

Aura could have easily pushed her away like an insignificant fly and walk off from the whole scene with the old lady still screaming behind her. But she didn't and she couldn't. It wasn't that she was surprised or shocked by Maria's screaming. No, she was more shocked by the strength she had shown as she held onto Aura's arms and shook her, all the while yelling into her ears begging to know about Valentino and his whereabouts.

Who she had thought of as a weakling and an old lady that hobbled from one place to another, that woman now had a steel grip on her hand and stared at her with renewed fire and hope. The change had been so sudden that it shook Aura and forced her to rethink about the story she had heard from Michelle. Had she only known half of the truth? Had Valentino gone and done more than just exchange blood with this human? Had he forged a bond?

'Please tell me! Where is he? Why did he leave me? Please... I need to know.' Maria cried and shook Aura even more. By now that sudden burst of strength and energy was gone and Maria was back to being an old lady that wailed and screamed for her lost love.

Aura shook her head. Had she imagined that strength and the look Maria had given her? Or was it real? She didn't bother to think any further and made the decision to leave Maria to her own demons and try to talk some sense into her the next time they met.

'Guards!' Aura shouted, alerting the men that had been standing just outside the door eavesdropping on everything that was going on inside.

'Yes Madame.'

'She is losing control. Please sedate her.' Aura took hold of the trembling old lady and handed her over to the guards, hoping that they would take good care of her.

Maria was still whimpering and kept begging for the guards to let her go, but her pleas were ignored. They immediately acted on Aura's orders and took her away from the vampire.

Aura once again shook her head and walked out of the room, with Maria's voice still ringing in her head. This was bad....very bad.

How had he managed to do it? How had Valentino suddenly become Gisela's great grandfather?


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Blood Trade│Vampyre Series #1│DISCONTINUEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang