Blood Trade : Chapter 25

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[I am so sorry for the delay >-< ! I promise you guys will enjoy this ! The whole story has finally been revealed ^^]

Chapter 25


'It’s a long story...' Michelle began.

Aura gave a small nod, urging her to reveal more of the truth. She could see the strain it was causing on the two elderly women. Michelle's shoulder muscles were bunched together, tension residing in them. Her face looked paler in the soft sunlight, the dark circles under her eyes coming into sharp focus and her lips stretched in a thin line. Michelle kept glancing up at her mother-in-law searching for some kind of assurance.

The woman besides Aura smiled and nodded again giving Michelle the green signal she needed to launch into the story.

'Maria Watson - that was her maiden name. She was barely twenty years of age when she met him. We never got a chance to know his name or the way he looked, all that we did know came from her. From the way she talked about him, praised him and worshipped him like a faithful priestess in his temple.'

'So she was always like this from the beginning?' Aura interrupted.

'No, she was normal till the time he came along. They met on one of her trekking trips in the mountains.' a different glow came over Michelle's face as she dug more into the past.

'Maria had always been fond of snow, the mountains and the craters that surrounded them. Her wild nature took her to many places, to some of the highest leaks in the world, the K2, the Himalayas, she even tried climbing the Everest once. But it became too much for her and she had to give up her craze halfway through the trek.'

'On one such trip she found herself in a tricky spot. I am not sure what went down there, but he appeared out of nowhere and pulled her out of the dangerous situation thus saving her life.'

'So he came to her like some handsome knight in shining armor and swept her off her feet?' Aura could barely contain her incredulity. She couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that some unknown vampire had been so stupid as to reveal his identity to a damsel in distress.

'Yeah, you could say that. Though he was a bit strange in behavior, Maria used to say. For one, in those extreme conditions he wore nothing but a crude leather jacket and flimsy pants that barely kept him warm. Also he showed no signs of fatigue even after their close call with Death and the escape route later on. It was like; he was a super-human, built to endure all kinds of hardships.'

Aura was tempted to add more to those lines, to tell Michelle that they were far from being human or the fantasied stupid super-heroes. They were predators and humans like her and Maria Watson were just fodder for them. But she kept quiet and listened to the lady as she continued to spill the tales of their past.

'After they got back from the trek, Maria asked him about his strange condition but the guy said nothing. She tried again but got the same response. In the end she gave up trying to find answers and went to sleep. Much to her surprise the stranger kept her company all through the night and even the next two days that followed. Maria knew she was pushing her luck when she decided to get closer to this stranger, but the guy had a very attractive charisma and the pull towards him couldn't be ignored.'

Gisela's grandma made a small noise in her throat. It was quite obvious that she found her mother's behavior irresponsible and foolish but Aura disagreed with her.

Blood Trade│Vampyre Series #1│DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now