Someone could use a hero chapter 14

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Chapter 14

   Valentine’s Day. The day the single American population rolled their eyes at. Normally, Apryll and I would spend Valentine’s Day curled up on the couch watching romance movies and eating chocolate and candy until one of us was chatting on the porcelain phone. This year, however, we were both in my room frantically preparing for our dates.

“Apryll, where is that pink shirt you loaned me?” I demanded.

She threw it to me. I opened my deodorant only to have it explode in my face. I let out a long string of curse words before chucking it on the floor.

“Apryll I need deodorant!” I cried.

“I don’t have any either,” she grumbled.

I dashed to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. I searched frantically, but all I could find was a bottle of expensive looking perfume. It smelled like cherry blossoms. I smiled and sprayed it all over. Dashing back into my room, I threw on a sequined black pencil skirt and the pink ruffled shirt. I just had enough time to slip on my dark pink pumps and slick on some red lipstick before racing up the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Dad asked.

I whirled around, “Vash is taking me out.”

He frowned, “I want to meet him before you go anywhere with him, okay?”

I giggled, “Okay daddy.”

Just then the doorbell rang.

“That’s him,” I piped up, throwing open the door. I was met by a wall of those same fuzzy white flowers he had placed on my head all those months ago. Edelweiss.

“Roses are too cliché,” he smirked, handing the flowers to me. I smiled and took them from him. David was at my side, scrutinizing Vash’s every move.

“Vash, this is my dad; dad, this is Vash,” I introduced.

David shook my boyfriend’s hand. I decided to give the two of them time to bond; descending the stairs with the three dozen flowers. I grabbed a large vase and dropped the flowers in the glass jar, filling it with water.

“Aren’t you going?” Apryll called from my room.

“I had to put these in a vase,” I called back.

She emerged in a towel, gasping when she saw the flowers, “Aw, that’s so sweet!”

“I know. It’s the national flower of Switzerland,” I smiled.

“And Austria,” she pointed out.

I looked at her dumbfounded.

“What? I can pay attention in history if I want too,” she held her hands up in defense.

I giggled, “I’ve got to go. I left Vash with Dad.”

“Don’t have too much fun,” she winked.

I rolled my eyes, “Okay, mom.”

I climbed the stairs and smiled as I saw the two men having an animated conversation. I joined them, touching Vash’s arm. He turned to me.

“So, are you ready?” he asked.

I nodded. David handed me a coat.

“It’s cold out there, sweetie,” he reminded me.

I bundled up, “Thanks, daddy.”

He smiled, “My little girl grew up so fast.”

I kissed his cheek, “it’s just a date; you can say mushy things like that on my wedding day.”

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