Someone could use a hero chapter 5

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Chapter 5

   I’ve been through many awkward situations before. Most of my junior high years were spent in awkward silence. But sitting at a table with my biological father, who I had just met, and his family who look like runway models was the most agonizing thing I’ve ever had to go through. The twins sat across from Apryll and me, with David and Catherine on the end. The twins had long chestnut hair and cold green eyes. Their chests and lips were obviously pumped up with silicone. The looked like class A whores. Apryll took my hand under the table and squeezed it encouragingly.

“So,” Amanda sneered, “how long have you two been a couple?”

Apryll, who was taking a sip of Pepsi, sprayed whatever was in her mouth all over Alicia. She squealed in horror.

“My new top! This is raw silk, it’ll never get clean!” She ran away screaming as if her puppy had been drowned.

I was frozen in shock at her question. Catherine went on eating her salad as if nothing had happened while David’s eyes were wide with fear and curiosity.

“I-I’m sorry? What?” I asked.

Amanda smirked, “Well, you two seem like lesbians. Especially Ms. Split Ends over there.”

Apryll’s eyes grew with rage. She stood up abruptly.

“Bitch, who are you calling split ends?”

I pushed on her shoulders, making her sit.

“Apryll, calm.”

I turned to Amanda, “I have nothing against homosexuals, but I can assure you Apryll and I are both completely one hundred percent straight.”

David looked slightly relieved, which Catherine looked disappointed.

“Well there goes my gossip for Pilates.” She muttered.

I stood up and ran from the table.

“Crystal!” I heard David call, but I just kept running. I ran until I was out of the house. I found a porch swing and I collapsed on it. I had a pounding headache from the day’s stress. I sat there for several minutes, just calming myself, when I felt the swing start to rock. I smelt axe and cinnamon and looked up to see a pair of sexy blue eyes smiling at me.

“H-hi Alfred,” I mumbled, surprised.

He grinned, “What’s shaking, bacon?”

I laughed, “Just the most awkward family dinner imaginable.”

“That bad, huh?”

I nodded, “Your ex? Yeah, she though Apryll and I were a couple.”

His face was horrified, “You’re not…”

I shook my head, “No, no I’m straight.”

He looked relieved, “Good, I mean not that I’m homophobic or anything because I’m not. I mean, yeah, uh, I’m cool with what people’s preferences are.” He smacked his forehead, “I’m sorry, I-I’m just nervous.”

I giggled, “You’re adorable.”

His cheeks reddened.

I inches closer to him, “do I make you nervous?”

He shifted in his seat, “Maybe a little.”

I laughed, “I don’t bite.”

“Oh, I don’t mind a little biting,” he blurted out, immediately covering his mouth afterwards. I burst into laughter.

Someone could use a hero (hetalia fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon