Chapter 19

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It makes your lips

After we had told everyone the news that we were having a girl they started brainstorming names. There was every name from Anna to Zeleigh being mentioned in this room. They were all super happy for us and was jumping out of joy. Everyone except Harry. He stood in the corner looking at his feet and sometimes his phone. I couldn't take seeing him like that, not when I knew I was the one who was causing it. I listened to everyone while they fought about the names, I mean come on it was mine and Liams decision to make. I couldn't take them yelling so much so I laughed while I tried to get their attention.

"Hey! Hello guys!" Some of them were now looking at me but Louis and Niall were still discussing something. "HEY!" I yelled really loud so even Harry looked up. Louis and Niall stopped fighting and looked at me with big eyes. "I might be out of line here but isn't it up to the parents to come up with the name?" Louis laughed and shook his head. He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder and sighed.

"Ross, Ross, Ross. We are going to be around this kid for the rest of our lives, you have no say in this." He patted my shoulder and I fake gasped.

"Fine!" I stuck my nose up in the air and acted snobby. "But the middle name has to be Veronica." They all looked at me like I was crazy and I sighed. "It's kind of a family name." They all went 'oh' and then continued to talk about a first name.

"But a foreign name will only make it more, you know, foreign." Liam was standing close to me as he spoke to Zayn.

"And is there something bad about that?" Zayn sighed and ran a hand over his face. "I'm just saying that all of the names I have suggested have a deeper meaning."

"And I see that Zayn, and we will think about it. But if she ever wants a regular life isn't simpler with a Swedish name or something."

"The kid is going to have your last name, it's not like she will have to struggle." My head snapped in their direction and I waited for Liams answer.

"I don't know if she is going to have mine or Ross last name. We haven't talked about it yet, drop it mate." Zayn became quiet then and looked over at me. I quickly snapped my gaze away and looked over at Louis and Niall. They were also talking names and who was going to be the god-father, they both wanted that label. Boys... I looked over at my best friend as she sat on the floor talking to El. They were both writing down something on a paper, I assumed it was baby names. I was going to see that later. When I kept on looking around the room my eyes fell on Harry. He was looking at the door and it looked like he was about to leave.

"Liam." Liam turned to me and looked at me with a smile on his lips. "Can you help me off the bed?" He looked confused but did what I asked. It was hard since my body hurt a little and the bed was like three meters above the ground. When I felt my feet finally touch the ground I thanked Liam and looked towards the door. Harry was no where to be seen so I headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Liam grabbed my arm and pulled me back so I would look at him. My face softened as I looked him deep in the eye.

"I need to talk to Harry." He held on to my arm a few moments more and then sighed and let go. I walked out of the room, hardly getting noticed by my friends. When I stepped out into the hall there was no one there. It was quiet except for the voices coming from my room and the beeping machines that were in all the rooms. To my left, far down the hallway, there was a hospital bed that stood by the wall. On it was a dark figure that looked a lot like Harry. I walked up to him slowly, not wanting him to notice me too soon. I watched him every step of the way. He was a fragile boy who never intended anything bad to happen. He was broken, even more broken then the day we met. He was sitting with his feet up on the bed and his head on his knees. He slender arms were hugging his legs so tightly it looked like they would break. Just looking at him made my heart break a thousand times over.

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