Chapter 12

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I thought things were going alright

Even though everything was fine now I knew I was going to push them away again. I never really got friends easy and relationships were not even in my vocabulary, except from that one which screwed everything up. I was scared all the time that I was going to say something that hurt them and my mind tried to convince me that I was ruining their lives. Liam had told me that I didn't but still, being a parent isn't something you can do from the road, is it? I'm not the person who can say anything really because until this child comes I'm not a parent and I haven't been on the road. Watching interviews on the internet with the very popular boy band One Direction I learned that they all were grateful for the success they reached. They were modest and loved the small things. Now that I had gotten the chance to get to know Harry I found out that he was just another guy who needed a regular and simple friendship. I did love him with all of my heart because he was the only friend that I could talk to like we had met everyday, even though it has been almost four months since we spoke last.

We were all sitting and watching the movie I had picked out. I tried sitting as far back into the sofa as possible because I didn't want the boys seeing that I hid my face 75 % of the movie. The Ring had always been my favourite and my worst choice of a movie. It was so bloody scary that I have never managed to watch the entire thing. Harry sat next to me and he turned his head slightly and caught the sight of me. He smile and put his arm around me. I nuzzled into him and smiled back at him. When the movie was finished we all agreed that it was time to eat. Since I didn't want the boys to be seen with my belly anytime soon, and the boys agreed, Niall and Louis went out to get some food. Now you might think that I didn't want the boys to be seen with me for my own sake, but just think about the press and the fans reaction. It would've been crazy.

While we waited I played with my phone and sighed because I was getting really bored. Harry still sat next to me and he was looking at my phone as I was playing, I was just playing Temple Run and I sucked at it. Anyways, I sighed once more and then put my phone away. Harry groaned and stood up.

"I am so bored!" He almost shouted it and then turned back to the sofa. "Rooooss" he said my name in a winy voice and then jumped up and down a little. "Liiiaaaaam" he turned to Liam and did the same. When he was about to turn to Zayn to do the same we all realized Zayn wasn't there. Harry looked extremely confused and turned to us. I think he was about to ask where the heck Zayn was when something collided with his body, sending him shooting onto the sofa almost hitting me. I shrieked and everyone turned to look at me. I realized I was clutching my stomach and I was probably looking terrified. They all stopped in their tracks and looked at my belly. I realized they were probably afraid that Harry had crushed me and that made me start laughing.

"Guys relax!" I stood up and turned to look at the boys. "It's not a missile or anything like that, it's a baby." I decided to explore the hotel room so I abruptly turned and walked away. I heard the boys start to whisper but I wasn't within hearing shot. When I had walked into the room the first thing I saw was the living room, with the sofa and the TV. To the right when you walked in there was a bedroom, I didn't see much of it but it looked glamorous. To the left I noticed a small hallway and I started walking towards it.

There were three doors in the hallway, the first one was a bathroom and again it looked glamorous. It was located to the left and a couple meters away were another door. I opened the door and noticed at once that the room was Harrys. I recognized his clothes thrown all over the floor and his computer on the bed. I looked to see if there was anyone that had followed me and when I saw that the hallway was clear I walked in and closed the door. I leaned against the door, caressing me belly as I looked around the room again. On the bed there was his computer and then a couple of shirts. I walked over and picked the one that I recognized up.

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