Chapter 17

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Said I'd never leave her

My name was being called over the screaming voices and my body fell flat on the ground. Everything went silent and I felt arms around me, shaking me to wake up. I heard someone scream at me with a cracked voice that sounded tear stung. The voices were slipping further and further away and the peaceful blackness of no pain and light were taking over.

I was lying down. That much I knew. My body felt sore and I had a headache. The thing that had woken me was voices in the room. At first they sounded far away but now they seemed to be right next to me.

"How is she?" It was Liams wonderful voice. "Really?" He sounded very worried, that was a bit strange. I only had a small headache.

"We can't know for sure until she wakes up, Mr. Payne. The hit was directed to the baby and we need to check if there are any fractures." I heard Liam sigh and I tried my hardest not to cry. What if my baby was dead?

"But its still alive right?" The doctor didn't say anything but from the way Liam let out a deep breath I knew he had nodded.

"We did an ultrasound when she came in and the baby had a heartbeat. We didn't see any fractures at that time but we need to be curtain." Liam didn't respond and the doctors' beeper beeped. He excused himself and left Liam and me alone. When I opened my eyes Liam was sitting on the chair next to my bed with his head in his hands.

"Liam..." At my voice calling his name his head snapped up and his hands grabbed mine. He hold on to it like it was his lifesaver and kissed my palm.

"How are you feeling?" He looked straight at me and I tried to smile.

"I'm a bit sore all over the body, which is strange considering she punched me in my stomach, and I have a headache." At the mention of the girl who had hit me Liams face went dark. I really didn't like seeing him like that.

"I am so sorry..." He whispered the words low and I almost missed them.

"Why?" The word just flew out of my mouth without me thinking.

"Because I could see she didn't like you, I could've protected you." I smiled at his kindness and tried to sit up a tiny bit. Liam noticed and shook his head, pressing me back onto the bed. He grabbed the remote by the bed and lifted the back so I was half sitting.

"There was nothing you or anyone else could've done. She was just in a really bad mood and I took the fall." His anger got bigger by my words.

"But you shouldn't have! She could've killed the baby!" I looked down at our hands and sighed. "She could have gotten you killed." I gasped and looked at the man before me. He looked so vulnerable and so heartbroken. My heart broke and I felt tears coming to my eyes.

"But I didn't die, neither did our baby." Liam looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

"Our baby..." He whispered the words as if trying them out. He sighed and kept on looking at me. He looked at my face, searching for something. "The doctor asked me if we knew the sex of the baby." He looked at me and I just smiled.

"I never got around to it. Every time I thought about finding out I thought about you, and that you would never get the chance to know him or her." Liam smiled and started playing with my fingers.

"Do we want to know?" He looked up at me and I nodded. His smile grew even wider and he nodded to, like a child on Christmas day. "I should probably tell the doctor that you are awake too." I smiled at me and stood up, not releasing my hands. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead before squeezing my hand. He walked out into the hallway but left the door open. When he left it felt like he left me alone with my thoughts. I didn't want to think about it but I couldn't help it. I sighed and looked down on my belly. I thought about the moment when she had hit me and slip the cover down underneath my stomach. I grabbed the shirt I was wearing and lifted it so I could have a look. My belly was full of bruises and it didn't look pretty. I sighed and lightly ran my hand over it. I closed my eyes and began talking to my baby.

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