chapter 9

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You had been outside for what seemed like an hour now. Kevin had zoned out so much, he was practically asleep with his eyes opened. You were still sitting by his head where he lay on the couch.

You yawned and took out your phone, looking at the time. Only 10:00. "Hey, Kevin." "" "I'm gonna get you some water. I don't want you getting too hung over." You announced while standing. He made a small noise in agreement as you began to walk back into the stuffy house.

You quickly grabbed a water bottle from in the kitchen and walked back towards the backyard. Though, as you approached the screen door, you saw that your spot next to Kevin had already been filled. That Sarah girl was really keeping you out of the way. You stepped back to where you could see and hear them, but your presence wasn't noticeable.

"Here." Sarah said, handing a water bottle to the other. "Wha'?" "Drink it." "Thanks, but, _(y/n)_ alr-" "I don't care. I don't you getting too hung over tomorrow."

You bit your bottom lip in anger. Once again, she waited for you to leave. You didn't like her at all. If her plan is what you think it is, she had to go, Now.

Kevin sighed and opened the water bottle taking a small sip from it. "There, you'll be better in no time." She said with a giggle, putting her hand on his knee. Kevin looked up at her with his drunken eyes. He had a devious look spread across his face. You watched in confusion as his hand slid down on top of hers.

Your jaw dropped. He really just did that. Sarah chuckled. "I knew you still liked me." You heard her purr as she leaned in closer to her and Kevin looked up. Almost as if he were too kiss her. And as you predicted,

He did.

This was it. You couldn't just watch this anymore. You through open the screen door and stormed outside. "What's going on here?" You asked with astounding authority. You wanted an answer. No, you needed one.

Kevin jumped quickly for someone who was so intoxicated. He pulled his hand off of hers and leaned away from her. "Its not what you think-" "then what is it?" Kevin  (who was smirking) looked at Sarah. Obviously lost for words. "Kevin." You spat, looking at him harshly. "Do you have an answer, or not?" "..."


That's what you thought. "Alright...then. Have fun." You said through an enraged whisper, throwing the water bottle you had gotten him right at him as you walked back into the house.

You sped through the house again, heading straight to the front door. Not hesitating to walk out and head towards your house. Kevin may have been drunk, but he was still able to take in the fact that you were his girlfriend, And that he didn't want you to see him in such a state. So, why did he do that? Did he just deliberately cheat on you?!
You didn't know what to think. And quite honestly, you didn't want to. Not right now at least.

Your mind was completely blank. Everything around you was normal. But It had no meaning. Every moment was just passing and nothing more. It was as if you were completely zoned out. You're only focus was on getting home, everything else was gone. Though that was, before you felt something soft brush across your legs.
You stopped in your tracks, the new sensation brought you back to earth in a second. You heard the soft mewl of a cat from below you. You gasped and looked down as you felt soft fur rubbing against you again. Leaning down, you picked up the black Persian and saw the pink collar it had on. "Robin?!!" You exclaimed to yourself. "Awe you must have ran out during the party." You spoke to the cat, even though you knew it couldn't understand. "C'mon. I'm taking you home with me." You declared as you began to walk faster up the street.

Robin tried to worm her way out of your grasp, but eventually, you made your way to your house. With a thud, you let Robin's feet hit the ground. Once you had dropped the cat, you kicked off your shoes into a random corner and booked it to your room. Wasting no time before curling up under your covers.

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