•#13• Photograph

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"We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still"

--Photograph. Ed Sheeran


From: Lissa Seeley Madden
January 12th

Dear Daniel,

I can't believe winter break is already over. Time flies when you least need it to. I need time to fly for six months so we can see each other again, yet I know it will just drag itself like an ill tutle. You want time to fly, and it walks painfully slow instead.

You left about a week ago and I'm already writting letters. Lame I know, but as you are the responsible of my lovesick attitudes so deal with it.

Is it weird I fall asleep listening to you singing something?


Weird or not it manages to keep me sane while you return to make it up to me with live concerts. I remember that time after my surprise party when you sang to me, and only me...

TONIGHT WAS THE BEST. Everything that ruined New Years was long forgotten-- well, at least for a while it was replaced with this awesome remake Daniel and Crystal arranged for me. Crys was the best friend in the world and that Daniel's actions surprised in the best way. I've said this a few times lately and today's events make me say it again; he is a great guy once you get to know him, apart from his cocky attitude and arrogance, that is.

It kind of bothers me I got to be friends with Daniel, Jeremy, Annie and Mason about eight months away of saying goodbye to my life in this place. When nights like this one will become less and less frequent once we all graduate and go our separate ways.

I know it won't be enough time. It never is.

On a brighter note maybe I'll go all the way to California for college. Berkeley is one of my first options right bellow heading off to Julliard in New York. I'll apply to both, Julliard, Berkeley and a bunch of others but I would be eager to hear I was accepted in either of the former. Mostly Julliard, of course, but it really scares the shit out of me, moving to the huge city New York happens to be, beautiful indeed, but so big it ends up being intimitating.

What really sucks here is freaking out on what your dream is all about, that is not really helpful for getting into the colleges of your dreams. I'll surely give it a try, though. Maybe I'll make it, if I stop having mental collapses on stage, obviously. I hope I'll eventually get there.

That wasn't really a good brighter note, was it?

Why am I thinking about all of this? Well, I can't sleep.

I suppose that's what happens when you are in a house full of memories of your dead folks.

Most of my friends are passed out in random spots of the house and I'm lying in bed, staring at the celing of my room, wide awake and dying of starvation.

Groaning I get off the comfy matress and head towards my pourse looking for something to eat.

I try the last pocket inside my duffel and what a beautiful surprise, there are about ten tiny Nutella packages! You know, those they have on breakfast bufetts in hotels? Well I took this bag with me when I went to visit my cousins with my family on winter break, we drove all the way there and made a pit stop at a hotel that certainly knew my weakness, so I took about ten little packed weaknesses with me. I had forgotten they were there.

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